Dieting in Dallas

  • Don't know exactly how I found this site, but I was drawn in when I saw the 100lb club. I think this is the best site I've been to when it comes to helpful information about weight. I have never used a message board or 'talked to strangers' about my obvious weight problem, but thought I'd give this a try! I'm 36 with 150 lbs to lose.
  • Welcome Lesley! This is a WONDERFUL group of gals and guys that really show a lot of support and give lots of great information! Just post away and welcome aboard!

    for finding us and being open to share!!! *hugs*
  • Welcome Lesley, jump right on it (the water's nice tonight). Just ask any questions you may have and I'm sure someone (or 2 or 12 people) will have an answer. Hope you enjoy it here!
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome! I've lost almost 25# since finding this site. Good luck to you!
  • Welcome! Talking to these people is like talking to old friends. Good luck on your weight loss journey, and I look forward to many more posts from you.
  • Wow, I'm completely overwhelmed! This is great. Thank you all for your support. It's quite comforting to connect with other's who also have a lot to lose. It looks like everyone is having success in their ventures.
  • Well, if we aren't having success, we're trying!!

  • Welcome Lesley!

    Please post often-I found I do better when I read and post. It keeps me on track more.

    I've lost 42 lbs since January and have about sixty to go (can't decide on a goal weight until I get closer).

    Take care and join right in-
  • Welcome, welcome, welcome Lesley. Just jump right in and post often!! We're so glad to have you join us!!
  • late greetings!!!! <I've been running around like a crazy woman!>

    hang out... post often, ask lots of questions...

    this group has so much focus, and does so much soul searching. it's an honor to be here...