3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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LaurieDawn 08-08-2014 12:15 PM

Dang it! I will taking the 5-minute walk from my office to the Kmart and buying a freaking tape measure at some point today!

I mean - woo hoo BamaGal! This is such a mental thing, and seeing progress really does help to keep us on track.

garnetrising 08-08-2014 04:41 PM

220.4 lbs! Saw 219.8 lbs again, but saw 220.4 lbs 2/3 times I weighed. :)

Welcome, Faded! Here's to hoping that you see the scale read 22x soon!

Yay, Bama! As I always say, having that tape measure to show progress even when the scale doesn't is such a great motivator for continuing to push through when times get tough. :D

Laurie, I don't think I can really say I'm through yet. I'm getting there, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm less bothered when the variation is a matter of tens of a pound than when it's bouncing up and down by 2+ lbs each time I step on it.

Doooo iiiit. Take the walk and get the tape measure. If you decide you're being too obsessive, you can always get rid of it and, honestly, I don't think it'll do too much harm.

LaurieDawn 08-08-2014 06:03 PM

The tape measure has been secured! Now, to figure out how to appropriately use it. Gonna be a slippery slope, I'm afraid.

Also, I went for a run on the treadmill. 1.05 miles, with about 0.7 at a 4.8 mph pace, with the rest of it bouncing back and forth to a slower pace -- I think clear down to 4.2 actually, but still running. =) Then, I did walking/running intervals until I hit 2 miles, including 30 seconds at 7.3 mph. I hit 2 miles at exactly 28 minutes. My knee is not happy with me right now, but I feel great about it!

garnetrising 08-08-2014 07:44 PM

I'm so jealous of how fast you move. XD Do you run/walk with an incline or strictly flat?

Also, way to go on getting a tape measure! It's pretty easy to master. Waist at your belly button. And you can track your problem areas or anything else you want to track, too... Maybe I should add my wrist into my tracked measurements. Hm... Anyway, here are the ones I do currently track:


Neck: 13.5
Chest: 47
Under bust: 37
Biceps: 15
Forearms: 10.5
Muffin top: 43
Waist: 39
Hips: 51.5
Thighs: 26.5
Calf: 17

jenjenangel027 08-08-2014 09:11 PM

I pulled through finished my first week at the c25k. I can only jog at a 4.3 lol did 1.5 miles today and a 30 second plank :)

LaurieDawn 08-09-2014 10:29 AM

Jen - Woot on the first week. It's super hard. And planks SUCK.

Jessica - I wish I had measured yesterday, cuz the scale went up today. I am going to do the ones you suggest. It will be good for me. Thanks for the instruction.

220.8. I want to analyze everything I did and ate yesterday, but I refuse. I just need to dedicate myself today to keeping on and not letting the slight gain mess with my head. Cuz it can.

jenjenangel027 08-09-2014 11:16 AM

239 new scale uggg been there since august 2nd!

LaurieDawn 08-09-2014 11:33 AM

New scale = new start. Yay for getting it! But remember - all scales weigh slightly differently, so you can't compare your weight on this one to your weight on the other one.

jenjenangel027 08-09-2014 12:33 PM

True thank you!

garnetrising 08-09-2014 05:44 PM

Jen, congrats on your first week of C25K. Also I LOVE planks. Love them even though I do believe they're the devil. :D Don't stress about the scale. Like Laurie said, each scale is different and that's okay. At least it's not higher, you know? Yet another reason I love to tape; each scale is different but a tape measure is a tape measure is a tape measure.

Laurie, you're so welcome. I think having a tangible way of tracking progress that is not subjective nor as easily influenced by water weight, time of day, etc etc will be a huge boon for you. It will go a long way in continuing to help you with the desire to over-analyze any little blip on the scale. Additionally, being up 0.2 lbs since yesterday is okay. I saw 220.6 lbs today, up .2 from my 220.4 lbs yesterday so you're in good company.

BamaGalRN 08-09-2014 05:52 PM

Y'all, I'm STRUGGLING these past couple of days. I don't know what triggered it but I'm just RAVENOUS-- all I can think about it food, food, food. I haven't binged and I'm really fighting the urge to do so. I thought maybe a little treat would help so last night I did eat a package of peanut butter cups (2)-- always my candy of choice-- but the chocolate have me HORRIBLE reflex which I'm still feeling today. NOT worth it and it didn't help with my cravings. And today, even while I'm enjoying my food and being careful and could clearly feel I was full, I was just wanting to shovel all of my lunch into mouth. I didn't, but even as I was putting the leftovers away I was half thinking about just bingeing on it. I didn't *need* it but I felt like I did! Ugh.

Just struggling. Not ruining myself, but just not feeling that awesome contentment I had all week. Any ideas?

jenjenangel027 08-09-2014 07:49 PM

Bama I am doing carb cycling by Chris Powell and you actually get one cheat meal a week which can include candy....I think this has really helped me be able to stick to something....it really teaches you how to eat right, in what portions, and letting yourself have a reward every once in awhile....research it....

You can do this though stay strong!

jenjenangel027 08-10-2014 10:51 AM

238.5 first mini goal 5% lost!!!!

jenjenangel027 08-10-2014 10:53 AM

Jessica thank you I tape too I do it once a month so I get to see next Saturday my progress!!!

twowoofers 08-10-2014 01:22 PM

Hello everyone! I'm new here. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow, but I know I'm somewhere in the 220s or higher. How do I "subscribe" to this thread so I can find it later?:dizzy:

BamaGalRN 08-10-2014 01:45 PM

Hi and welcome TwoWoofers!

LaurieDawn 08-10-2014 02:13 PM

220.0. Yes. 0.2 away from hitting my goal for my trainer boy challenge. I really want that number by tomorrow. But I can't control what the scale does, so I am working at being patient.

Welcome Twowoofers! I don't know how to subscribe to the thread, but I know there's a way. It's one of the active threads in the 100-pound club, though, so it's not too tricky to find. =)

Jen - Can't wait to see your tape measure results! It's definitely more meaningful than scale progress.

Bamagirl - I totally know about the munchies. I have heard it called "head hunger." I dealt with it yesterday and a couple of days ago. My strategy yesterday was to decide what I was going to do for the rest of the day, write an accountability post, and hit the gym. Really hard. And it worked. =) Three days ago, I bought sugarless gum and mindlessly chewed it. That worked too. I have also watched videos of super-morbidly obese people. Not because I feel superior, but because I know that, at the rate I gain and my OCD tendencies with food, that could easily be me. That often works. But my strategies don't always work, and that's okay too. The first time I lost a significant amount of weight, I had days that I just completely lost control and consumed an outrageous number of calories. It slows down weight loss, but it doesn't kill it. The days following those binges are really hard too, and the binges have derailed multiple weight loss attempts. But, at least for me, binges are going to part of my life, but that doesn't mean that I can't forestall them for weeks or even months, and it doesn't mean that I can't or won't lose weight. Good luck with the munchies. They're so challenging!

Jessica - Look at us flirting with almost precisely the same numbers. Argh! Especially poignant because 220 is a big number for both of us. Patience is good advice. Easier said than done, though. ;-)

garnetrising 08-10-2014 06:20 PM

You know you're ravenous, Bama and that can go a long way to ensuring that you don't let yourself shovel food into your face. I don't know what triggered it for you but I realized that last week's hunger for me was triggered by an unusually (for me) short cycle.

Congrats on reaching your first mini-goal, Jen!

Hi, two-woofers! I believe that when you post to a thread, it auto-subscribes you but I'm not 100% sure.

Oh, Laurie, we both 220.0 lbs today!!! We have the patience and persistence to press through all of this. We are so rocking things!

activeadventurer 08-10-2014 06:57 PM

I am just into the 230's. Some how 240 was a big number for me psychologically. It is really weird but some numbers challenge me more than others. I spent the better part of the morning preparing food for the week. I find that is a great help to me. If something healthy and delicious is already prepared I am much less likely to veer off course. Hello to all. I look forward to hearing about your journeys.

Dee aka active adventurer

garnetrising 08-10-2014 07:57 PM

Welcome, welcome, Dee! It's really not that weird, actually. Both Laurie and I have experienced difficulty breaking through the 220 lb mark in the past so we can relate to certain decades being a bit tougher psychologically than others.

LaurieDawn 08-11-2014 09:18 AM

220.2. Up 0.2 from yesterday. UGH!

Welcome Dee! Yes, as Jessica says, she and I are both fighting the 220 stickiness. I'm so thrilled for you that you broke through it! I'm not sure if I'm reading your weight tracker correctly, but if you've lost either 60 or 230 pounds -- what a tremendous accomplishment!

Jessica - Patience and persistence. You said the perfect words. I am trying to make them my watchwords. Working out can have detrimental effects on the scale for me, though not always, so I deliberately chose to just take a long walk (4.25 miles) instead of hitting the gym hard and inducing soreness. I just desperately wanted to see 219.something. Instead, the scale bounced back up to 220.2 It helped that I put on my size 18 suit pants this morning that I had stopped wearing because they'd become so tight, and realized I need to wear a belt with them now. But I desperately want to clear this hurdle. Instead of changing things up, though, I am going to do my regular work-out today, regular way of eating, and trust that if the scale sticks to 22_ for a while, I will be rewarded with a whoosh at some point.

Slashnl 08-11-2014 11:29 AM

Helllllooooooo! I made it into this group!!!! I recognize a few names here! I had a big loss week, and I'm down to 238. Very happy with that! For now, anyway!

BamaGalRN 08-11-2014 12:46 PM

Hi and congrats, Slashnl

LaurieDawn 08-11-2014 12:56 PM

Diane! So excited to see you here! I am (hopefully) going to the next thread soon, but I know 240 is super sticky for you, so it's doubly exciting to see you break through. Look at us becoming smaller and stronger!

BamaGalRN 08-11-2014 01:11 PM


So... I have a 3 pound gain today. I suspect it's because I'm not drinking enough. I can feel that I might be slightly dehydrated-- I've seriously been slacking on my water (I don't drink anything else though). So... I reckon that might have SOMETHING to do with my gain? I'm OVER the 230s! LOL I've hit 230 3 times now and never go down past it!! I'm being meticulous with my calories (1100-1200/day). I'm starting yoga tonight and am gonna FORCE myself to get my rump on the elliptical. I'm ready to see that scale # MOVE!!

garnetrising 08-11-2014 05:22 PM

Diane!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

Bama, a good rule of thumb for that is half your weight in ounces of water a day. If you're doing a lot of exercising or you have a very physical job, you'll probably need to take in more than that, too. Keep hacking at it and your rubber floor of 230 will break eventually. :)

Laurie, you're in good company again today. My first step onto the scale was 220.2 lbs. (My second was 218.8 lbs and my third and fourth were 219.0 lbs.) I'm forgoing recording any part of the 219.x lbs today because I know that my weight tends to bump back up on Tuesdays. I figure it's particularly likely given that I have an 8 hour shift at work tonight.

LaurieDawn 08-11-2014 05:55 PM

Bama - Yeah. Sometimes the scale makes no sense. But you're doing the measuring, right? It's nice to see progress in some way.

Jessica - 220.2 too, eh? Although it sounds like your weight is actually lower, given that the average took you well into 219 territory. I am very grateful that my scale consistently gives me the same number no matter how many times I step on it, though I have to admit that I step on it at least twice, especially if the number is especially good. =)

garnetrising 08-11-2014 06:00 PM

Yeah. It would be nice if my scale didn't fluctuate quite so easily, but sometimes it's not so bad. It's like the scale's giving me a little preview of what's to come if I just keep going. And if I think of it like that, well, why not keep pushing. :)

BamaGalRN 08-11-2014 06:11 PM

I'm supposed to start yoga with a friend tonight-- so hopefully the increased water intake and adding in exercise will help me make it through!

BamaGalRN 08-11-2014 10:09 PM

So it did it!! I had my first yoga class tonight. Wow. I used to coach competitive level gymnastics and despite being chubby I was really a very strong person. Not anymore. Woooo. That kicked my butt! LOL and yet I can't wait for next week!!

jenjenangel027 08-11-2014 11:45 PM

Yay more people!!! Welcome TwoWoofers, Dee, and Diane!!!

Bama great job on yoga!!!

Laurie...okay have you lost 20 pounds in amonth???? I wanna know your secret...LOL

Jessica...your doing great!

Well Sunday we went to the River and today a water park.....I also starting day one of week 2 of the c25k..and man that kicked my booty!!!! I didn't weigh as I do not coming off a reward day :)

garnetrising 08-11-2014 11:55 PM

I love yoga, Bama!

Laurie's secret is that she's awesome.

Glad you have great visit to the water park, Jen. :)

papercut 08-12-2014 02:41 AM

:carrot:whoo hooo, down to 224.1 that 6lbs this month i have such a huge grin on my face.

hope everyone has an awesome day:hug:

(I started on the 14th of July)

LaurieDawn 08-12-2014 09:59 AM

220.6. <Deep, sad, long sigh> Just clinging to plan for dear life. I had a similar stickiness at 230, and even though this one is psychologically challenging, I know I just need to hang on and wait for the scale to finally drop.

Bama - Hooray for the yoga! I love yoga, even if I seldom make time to do it.

Jen - C25K. Such a great program. I actually think I'm going to break down and buy a knee brace so that I can do it more consistently. And no on the 20 pounds. I have lost 19 pounds, and I can't get that stupid 20th pound to go anywhere! I don't actually have a secret. It's just reduced calories, high water intake, try to move more during the day (standing desk, go to the printer every time I print something instead of wait and gather it all up at once, etc.), and put in quality work-outs. Plus, it's my first month. No other month will look like this, but I am grateful to have it!

Jessica - I need to hire you for PR! I don't even mind that the information you give isn't technically accurate. ;-) I really hope you had better scale results this morning than I did. One of us has to break through that floor!

Papercut - Congrats on the loss and welcome!

Slashnl 08-12-2014 11:42 AM

Took a peek at the scale today. It was up from yesterday, but I overindulged last night, so I shouldn't be surprised. At least it didn't go back above 240.

Bama: Good for you on the yoga! It is amazing to me that it can be so tough!A couple of weeks ago, I got back to doing a "Body Flow" class at the gym. It is yoga/pilates/tai chi mixed into one class. It is so different than anything else I do, and it is so challenging.

Papercut: Awesome!!

BamaGalRN 08-12-2014 02:35 PM

My weight keeps bouncing between 230 and 233 which is driving me nuts, but I guess I should just be glad I am where I am. I weighed at the gym last night after yoga and was 238! Ugh! But this morning, on my scale I'm back to 230 even. So, here's to hoping I break that invisible 229 barrier soon!

LaurieDawn 08-12-2014 02:42 PM

BamaGal - Your post sounds like this information may be helpful, so I'm sharing. If it's not, I apologize for misreading. Please keep in mind that the information is gleaned from the boards and my own experience, and I am not making any representation as to its accuracy. (Sorry - I work in the legal world, so I do a lot of disclaimers.)

Your weight will vary between scales, and will vary as much as 5-10 pounds in a day. One of the best things I ever did to reduce my scale craziness was to weigh every time I went to the bathroom or walked past the scale on a day when I was at home. You would not believe the variances in the scale until you see it yourself. The best way to gauge your weight loss is to weigh once a day, first thing in the morning, after you pee, naked. Then, watch the trends rather than fixate on the day-to-day number. (Clearly, this is something that I struggle to do.)

Yoga is still way cool. Glad you went.

garnetrising 08-12-2014 03:26 PM

Congrats on the monthly loss, Papercut!

In addition to what Laurie said, Bama you may find that your body will always weigh-in slightly higher after a workout as well. It depends on your bodies trends, of course.

Which I think is a good point all around - watch for trends. :) It's how I know that Tuesday's weight will almost always be higher than that of Monday.

First, Laurie, it is technically accurate! YOU ARE AWESOME. Secondly, (sigh) I did not have better luck with the scale than you did.

I keeping my 220.0 lb mark for today's weigh in, but I also saw several other variations of 220.x lbs and as high as 221.6 lbs. I did not see any 219.x weights. It made me sad. There are a lot of things that likely contributed to it, though, not the least of which is my body's stupid desire to rebound my weight every Tuesday. Also taped today and the sting of the scale was only mildly softened by a waist measurement of 38.5".

Baconating 08-12-2014 09:36 PM

I'm at 238 I think, but I'm really encouraged by how well everyone is doing. We'll be out of here in no time!

BamaGalRN 08-12-2014 09:53 PM

I'm ready for my 20 days to be up so I can have a ticker! LOL I want to SEE my weight loss! ;) I'm SO craving a binge tonight- which is really irritating. LOL I'm had a single serving of chips just because I was spazzing and thought maybe it would curb the desire. I'm still under my calories for the day, even with the chips, so I won't beat myself up over it. I'm guzzling water now in an effort to avoid a sodium based gain tomorrow. :)

I love you ladies!

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