3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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BuffieLynn 10-31-2013 01:58 PM

Hey ladies,

Checking in at an abnormal time for me...but my youngest is doing some testing and I am at the coffee shop "working" remotely. The connection to the network isn't good, so here I am checking in!

My day is a bit whacked, I ran out of the house with no food or prep.:o. So, Starbucks protein box egg for breakfast on the road. Will go to Whole Foods with Kiki (youngest) to get lunch after testing.

No change on the scale today. I felt bit frustrated but, I am encouraged by the quote below on Cormandy62442 signature, regarding changing focus.

Will officially weigh in for the Jingle off the pounds challenge tomorrow; we'll see if I am out of the 230's... Today 232.

Best Wooshes!


cormandy62442 10-31-2013 10:28 PM

Congrats Nagazim!

Thanks for the warm welcome mandydawn77! And BuffieLynn, I'm glad the quote helped you. It's a very powerful one! :)

I had a bad day today, not only was I tempted by candy... but my company had a huge party and provided pasta & cake for Halloween. I did well to eat the pasta in moderation, but I did eat cake (and I might have gone back for a second small piece). The thing I need to remember is that even though I had a slight setback today, tomorrow is a new day and I just need to get back on plan. This will happen one day at a time, and some days will be better than others.

Only Believe 10-31-2013 11:23 PM

Congrats Nagazim! :)

I'm glad halloween is over here. The candy is gone and we have no excuse to have any in the house. I can focus on losing more weight.

wannaskipandlaugh 11-01-2013 08:05 AM

NAGAZIM.... I just wanted to pop in here and wishes you Happiness for this wonderful news!.. God said now and its now and just think of the new little treasure you are going to have holding in your arms next summer! :) OH I am so very happy for you! and with this journey you have been on.. this will be a healthy pregnancy for you too with all you learned! :) So happy!!!

mandydawn77 11-01-2013 11:04 AM

I just barely made it back into the 230's by my official Friday weigh in - 239.8

I didn't do very well last night. I ate really bad stuff (hot dog, cheetos, 2 corndogs at sonic and some of my kids' candy). I thought I could be strong and stay out of the candy, but I ended up giving in. I did so well all week and all day long. I had a bag of candy and goodies that my boss gave me and it sat on my desk all day and I didn't touch it. We had a carnival for our clients with popcorn and candy, apple cider and hot chocolate and I didn't touch any of it. My pregnant coworker came in late with a bucket full of the best candy bars (peanut butter snickers are my new fav) and was trying to get everyone to take some and I said no. Then last night sitting in the car my son kept handing me candy bars that he didn't like and I eventually gave in to temptation. And, as usual, I can't have just one piece. Anyway, the holiday is over, but I still have a house full of candy. I will just have to be strong and resist. I won't get to have my usual friday night dinner out since I splurged last night, but I guess I'll survive.

Have a happy Friday everyone!

alwe74 11-01-2013 12:00 PM

Hi everyone, I would like to join this thread. I weighed in at 239.4 on Wednesday (down from my all time high of 243.4...EEK!!!) I would like to be in the teens by Christmas. I'm doing a weight loss challenge with some ladies at work and so far the "skinny girls" are crushing me so I need to get my head in the game!!! Anyways I look forward to getting to know all of you.

mandydawn77 11-01-2013 02:08 PM

Welcome alwe - I'm also doing a weight loss challenge at work. Ours ends the Friday before Thanksgiving. We are doing it different this time around. We only have a starting weight and ending weight and we don't have to tell anyone how good or bad we are doing, so we are all in the dark about who is in the lead. We go by body weight percentage lost and this one is winner takes all ($180).

alwe74 11-01-2013 06:56 PM

Hi mandydawn, thanks for the welcome. Our challenge goes from the end of Sept. until right after New Year's. We have 3 prizes. We just finished the first which was for 15%, the next one is at the end of Nov. and it's for 30%, and the final prize is for 55% of the pot. We weigh in every week but we do it privately with the designated weigh-in person (me!) and we don't post weights, only the names of the top three "losers" each week. We also do it by percentages.

I'm excited to find a group of people who have about the same amount of weight to lose. Hopefully, we'll all be moving down to the "Teens" soon!

Nagazim 11-01-2013 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by wannaskipandlaugh (Post 4874443)
NAGAZIM.... I just wanted to pop in here and wishes you Happiness for this wonderful news!.. God said now and its now and just think of the new little treasure you are going to have holding in your arms next summer! :) OH I am so very happy for you! and with this journey you have been on.. this will be a healthy pregnancy for you too with all you learned! :) So happy!!!

Thanks everyone! I've had a much better day today. It took awhile but DH finally got through to me that pregnancy doesn't mean I have to be fat. Since that's been my pattern. I gained 75 lbs with ds and only 17 with dd but I was ds's about to deliver weight when I got pregnant with dd. So I went from 297 to now 222.8 this morning. I can make good food choices. I can exercise and I can have a healthy and happy baby. I'm gonna do it the right way this time.

I'm very thankful for blessings in disguise which is exactly what this is :D

merilung 11-01-2013 09:53 PM

Congratulations Nagazim!! You can totally make good choices and have a healthy, joyful pregnancy, and we'll all be here to support you! :yay: I was thinking that I was dying to get out of this thread but with all the fertility vibes that must be floating around maybe I want to be stuck here after all! :lol:

zoesmom 11-03-2013 03:54 PM

:wave: HI everyone! Your resident lurker is back! :lol:

I may very well not be lurking in this thread much longer though. I only have 1.5 pounds before I am in the teens! WOOT!

Looks like most are doing pretty good. :)

Angie 11-03-2013 08:25 PM

Hi all -- I made it back to the 220s again this week...hoping to work my way back to 225 by the end of the week!

FickleHearts 11-04-2013 08:57 AM

Well, I had a bad weekend, food wise and life wise, but still managed to make it to 234 this am! I'm really trying to figure that out considering the crap I ate all weekend...

Despite my cat being ill, I'm going to focus on the positive today. Hope everyone has a great week!

zoesmom 11-04-2013 09:36 AM

220.6...so close....

merilung 11-04-2013 10:51 AM

WTG on the good weigh-ins Angie, FickleHearts, and zoesmom!

So sorry your cat is ill, FickleHearts! Hope he/she gets better soon! :hug:

I've had a stressful weekend and I'm likely in for a stressful week, but on the "plus" side (if there is a plus side!) the stress and anxiety has totally killed my appetite. 219.4 this morning for me - I'm gonna stick around for a bit to see if I bob back up into the 220's or if the 2-teens are here for good!

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