I had a NSV this week.. did you?

  • Was idly trying on clothes at Macy's while on my lunch and I can fit into some larges now. Granted one of the large button ups looked like my belly was gonna make it explode but it was "slim fit" and if it wasn't then I am sure I would have fit it fine. Also I tried on an XL before that and it was too big!

    Although I am starting to see why, once I do get down, "slim fit" woudl benefit me. I have very broad shoulders and if I manage to shrink below a large my shoulders simply will not fit anything smaller.

    so there ya go.

    Anyone else had any NSVs this week?
  • there is already a NSV thread... but if you wanna comment comment there I'll see it
  • Hello there and I will post an NSV here for this last week.... I fit into the person who I replaceds office chair. I have always had to use the oversized ones in the past, but I fit into this "normal" one. and I am not squeezed either. That was a very nice NSV as I did not have to ask the brand new company I just started working for to buy a "bigger" office desk chair
  • On Friday night one of the male types friends came over, I had just showered, no make up, hair was wet and uncombed and he says, "wow! You look 10 years younger! What are you doing?". It came out I've recently lost 30 lbs and we started talking about that. So, it was kinda cool. Especially since its the same day I was told there's no way I'm about to be 38.
  • Indeed, I did! I fit in my mini-goal size 14 purple with black leopard print skinny jeans!!! I bought them on sale the day after Christmas and I could barely get them past my hips let alone zip it up. Such a sweet feeling!!!

    Congrats on your NSV(s) and everyone else's too!
  • Yay!!