Memory Time Capsule: To be Opened Week of October 5th

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  • Hello Friends!

    I want to take a snapshot of time this week. Spring is arriving and it is a period of new growth and beginnings. The earth is erupting in life and hope. There is so much potential in this season! And then we transition into summer. The days are long and the sunshine is bright. It's a lot easier to get outside and enjoy the days. Exercise can be abundant- as is fresh food from the farmers markets! These seasons are your time to shine! How much progress can you make during these two seasons? What will happen in your life?

    I thought you might want to join in on the fun. I am going to re-earth this thread during the week of October 2nd. That is 30 weeks from now. Wow. So much can change in 30 weeks. You could potentially be over 50 pounds lighter. You could be running 5Ks! You could even complete a half marathon in that time. So many things could happen in your life in 30 weeks. Amazing to think about, right? Or you could find yourself in a position where life has drifted you back out into the currents- and maybe you will have stopped posting at 3FC. Sad to think about.

    Where do you think you'll be in 30 weeks? Would you like to send your future self a message? Will you make a promise to yourself that you will still be here after Spring and Summer have passed?

    Here are some ideas on what to include in your memory snapshot:

    Fat Percentage:
    Waist Size:
    Before Picture:

    Memory/Emotions/Moods from this week:
    Something you are struggling with and hope to have overcome by October:
    Goals to be Completed by October:

    Dear Future Me,
  • Date: 3/16/2013
    Weight: 218
    Fat Percentage: 45.1%
    Waist Size: 35 inches
    Before Picture:

    Today you walked your first REAL 5K. This was no fun run or charity walk. This was a serious race- for serious racers. No wonder you were anxious about it. You struggled quite a bit with some negative self talk the morning before the race as you prepared. You put some desitin on your inner thighs, because you had some chafing that hurt. Your knees hurt, because ironically you have runner's knee, despite not being a runner yet. You felt floated. And when you put on your race shirt- you thought to yourself, "Wow- it almost looks like you know what you're doing." You felt a little beaten down emotionally.

    So no wonder when you stepped over that starting line you thought, "Oh my gosh. What if I'm the last person to finish this race? What if I am DEAD last?!" But then you thought- "Well...maybe I could be the first walker to finish." And that's exactly what you did. You passed a number of people. In fact- you passed everyone who you set out to pass. Including the young gals in tu-tus who tried to jog past you everytime you caught up to them. They didn't even end up finishing the race.

    There was quite a distance between you and the next walker when you finished the race:

    You finished the race in 46 minutes. 15 minutes faster then when you tried on the treadmill 5 days earlier:

    Your name was nearly on the last page of race results, but a lot of walkers probably didn't wear their timing chips.

    The race was pretty draining and you were pretty sore and took a nap later, but you were proud of yourself. Especially since this is only the beginning of many races.

    Something you are struggling with and hope to have overcome by October: I'm currently trying to figure out my relationship with carbs. It seems like certain carbs just don't make me feel that great and don't react well with my body. I feel like I'm nesting into the two-teens, but not making much progress to get out. However- I feel like this is an important time for me, maybe I'm just testing out the waters of maintenance to make sure I'm not afraid of it. That this lifestyle really is something I can maintain. And I have to say- I'm pretty happy with my life right now. I'm ready to make a run for the next decade now.

    Goals to be Completed by October: Everyday you are a better version of yourself.
    I found this today and it reminded me of you/me/us:

    Home: I imagine that a lot of things are going to change in nearly 7 months! You will have combined finances with DH and are probably coming fairly close to being debt free! YAY! The kitchen will be cleaned every night before bed. You'll still be working with fly lady and cleaning the house in zones. And hopefully you had a fairly fruitful garden this year!

    Heart: Meditation does a soul good! You've also been actively trying to speak DH's love language.

    Health: I've come to the point that I don't like setting weight loss goals very much, but wouldn't it be wonderful if you were in the 170s by October? A setpoint your body used to seem to have liked 175. It would be good to be there again, but don't get too comfortable....You're going on a cruise in 2 months!! Wouldn't it be glorious to be in the 150s?! JUST OUTSTANDING! Keep moving forward!! And then of course- you have probably done a 5K every month! I bet you are jogging now!

    Dear Future Me,
    Isn't it amazing how much life can change in 30 weeks? Just think about it- even a baby can sustain life after just 30 weeks in the womb. An entirely new life can be created in 30 weeks. In addition, a habit is absolutely ingrained after just 66 days:

    So that means that you have probably added 3 new things into your life that are just normal now...they are just who you are. HOW EXCITING! I bet the house is clean almost all the time now. You are incredibly comfortable making healthy and seasonal meals everyday. And you are jogging. You jog three days a week with ease. You ARE a runner! Wow.

    You are becoming such a role model for your future children. Remember the picture I took on the day of your first 5K? Of that strong beautiful little girl running in the children's run:

    I realized that day that I couldn't encourage my future children to have healthy and active lifestyles without having one myself. And now look at you! You are living that life. And have you subscribed to Runner's World?! You're on your way to becoming an athlete. Wow. I am so proud of you. You'll be one of those women jogging while they're pregnant. I foresee a subscription of Fit Pregnancy in your not so distant future!

    You are doing such an excellent job!
  • What a great idea Lunar! Congratulations on the 5K walk! I would love to do one sometime. It's one of my goals.
    I really don't have inspiring pics of myself to post....except maybe my progress photos. I may have to come back and edit this post to add items or pics.

    Date: 3-17-13
    CW: 197.8

    Goal by October: Did you compete in the 5K mud run that your SIL has been asking you to sign up for but haven't because earlier this year you were afraid you wouldn't be in shape by September? I'm hoping by this point you are now officially a runner. We started the C25K back in January and got sidelined by a foot injury but you pushed your way thru and manage to walk/jog/walk. February was a very difficult month, it was a complete stall. Mid-March the scale is finally budging. Taking your 7 mile walks with DH are becoming easier. I hope you are now doing that 10 mile loop you have always mentioned of doing. I also hope you attended more family events this past summer and went to the annual fest here in town, you know the one we always avoided so as not to run into people we know embarrassed by our weight. Add school events to that list also.
    I imagine you are close to your goal weight by now and feeling better about yourself mentally and physically.
    Do you have a new job yet? Are you more organized? Are you setting good examples for your children and husband?
  • This is the niftiest thing ever!

    Date: 3/17/13
    Weight: 205.8 (on 3/15/13)
    BMI: 33.1%

    Sizes (on 3/1/13)
    Pants: 16 (loose) or 14 (snug)
    Shirts: 1X or XL
    Bra: 36FF
    Panties: 6

    Dear Future Self:
    I bet you're at goal weight by now! Hooray! Is it fabulous?
    Did you run (at least) two races this summer? Did you push yourself to do a 10K?
    Did you get that tattoo you promised yourself? How about that crazy haircut?
    And how are you doing with those non-weight-loss New Year's resolutions?
    I can't wait to meet you...I bet you're gorgeous and amazing!
  • Date: 3/17/13
    Weight: 308.8

    Dear future self -

    Well if you're reading this at least you didn't quit 3FC and hopefully you've stayed on plan throughout the summer even with family visiting from Europe and the temptation to eat out a lot. How much do you weigh? Are you closing in on 250?

    Are your Seahawks season tickets amazing? How much more are you enjoying the games without being squished into the seats and feeling bad for your neighbors. Stop eating so much junk food at the games! Are you trying to undo everything we did? If you already had garlic fries then you're done. Once a season is plenty.

    Are you exercising? How's that going? Have you been able to shop at Old Navy? Ridden a horse again yet? Go hiking this summer?

    How was salmon fishing? Did you get a big one? Good omega 3's in those Chinooks.

    Alright well stick with it! Even if you've completely gone off plan, today is the day to start all over. If you've stayed on plan and will hit 240 by the end of 2013 you can start planning a cruise for summer 2014! Won't that be fun!!
  • Date: 3/17
    Weight: 199.5-203.5lbs
    I hit onederland for my bday, but I'm retaining water something fierce.
    Fat %: according to the calculator, 42%


    By October I hope to be comfortably under 175 lbs and on my way to getting pregnant. I would like to grow my hair out. I would like to start weight training. By October, I hope you have started couch25k.

  • Who else is going to make the commitment to be here in 30 weeks?
  • I love this idea, but I will come back when I have more time to fill this out with proper thought and consideration!
  • Quote: I love this idea, but I will come back when I have more time to fill this out with proper thought and consideration!
    Same here, I saw this last night and would like to think a bit more on it on what I want to say to my future self.
  • Date: 3/18
    Weight: 169

    Dear Future Self,

    Hopefully you have hit over 20% lost by this time even through the summer! Oh so close to goal!!! That means you're gonna get a tattoo realllllly soon!! Are you still working out? Hopefully by now, you will have completed the C25K program. Is shopping for clothes more fun now? Oh yea, were you able to fit in the smaller pants I bought a while ago? I hope you are enrolled in school at this time and working your butt off.

    Even if you are not near goal, don't fret. You CAN get there! I believe in YOU.
  • Date: 3/18/13
    Weight: 212
    Lean/Fat Mass: 120/92
    Waist Size: 39.5
    Memory/Emotions/Moods from this week: This is the week you're mom came for a visit. Its been 6 weeks of a weight loss stall. Man, its sucked. But things are looking up, and I'm sure you've shaken this off and moved on. Most importantly, this week, you learned to appreciate the amazing work you've already done -- 45lbs!! -- instead of getting caught up at a minor pacing issue.
    Something you are struggling with and hope to have overcome by October: I hope by now you are at least somewhat settled into a new hometown and have found a good balance between your beautiful precious little fellas, healthy eating, working out and career pursuits. Thats one **** of a task list, so, don't get too upset if you don't have it all done. I'm not sure anyone every feels all of that is in balance, but I've got a lot of trust and faith that you will have made some amazing strides.
    Goals to be Completed by October:
    -- To weigh less than 180lbs
    -- To have incorporated 90 mins of moderate/vigorous exercise per week, as default.
    -- To have found new and excited ways to enjoy life.
    -- To have incorporated relaxation and self care as a priority.
    -- To have saved my two children from the Goblin King and dancing a mighty jig in a ballin' puffy sleeved dress.
    -- To have comforted someone, letting them know that their weight, BMI, size, or measurements do not have any impact on who they are or their value to humanity. That wanting something more, does not mean devaluing the "right now."

    Dear Future Me,

    I know you are a bad*ss, so I know I do not need to motivate you to get to your goal. BUT! I want you to remember one thing:
    thing you have.jpg
    I'll be waiting for you on the flip side.
    Much love.

  • Dear Future Me,

    Hey sexy! This is March 21, 2013 Sarah talking. Between you and I, I think I’m still hungover from St. Paddy’s Day! Good News though! I weigh 189.7 as of this morning! Yes for a new carrot man and a new decade! That’s a 20.3 lb loss since NEW YEAR’S DAY! In short, we are amazing!

    So, October, huh? How was your summer? I’ll bet you LOVED wearing those board shorts again! It was, what, 152 lbs when we last fit into them? I’ll bet you reached your goal of 160 before going home to that huge family and friends reunion this summer! 50 lbs since New Years? Damn- we’re amazing! The one benefit to being hidden up here in an Arctic community is that when you see your fam, it’s been months and then they can REALLY see the difference!

    And now, it’s OCTBER?! What sexy Halloween costume did you order? I hope it’s something entirely tasteless and inappropriate!! You should be close to reaching that 130 lb mark! Fair enough, 151= unchartered territory and 130 may not be your happy place, but that’s for you, future Sarah, to decide! I’ll be you are super close to posting in the goal section…holy ****! Remember though- maintenance is the next step. One goal ends, and another begins!

    How is the rest of your life going? HAS HUGO PROPOSED YET? I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna get engaged this summer, baby. Yeah!!!! Did you get to teach Grade 12 English this semester?! Did you go to the One Direction concert with your little cousin? How was camping with your friends? My god, I’ll bet you got tanned! Oh and did you finish your Reading Specialist and your ESL Part 2 course?! I’m sure you did, you smarty pants.

    Well, just remember what your sexy tattoo says from your fave musical: NO DAY BUT TODAY! You’re gonna have days where you retain water. You’re gonna have days where the scale fluctuates because that’s just what happens, and omg don’t get me started on period weight gain! But remember- you are on a journey and you’ve done wonderfully so far. You are an inspiration to those around you, but most of all, to yourself. You can truly do anything. It will get harder as you get closer to goal, but….dude….YOU’LL BE CLOSER TO GOAL!

    So, rules for life: always weigh in, mentally, emotionally, and on the scale. Check in with yourself weekly to see what needs work, and then hopefully you never let one area of your life get too out of hand again. And, when in doubt, post to 3FC Congrats, babe.

    Face shot =210 lbs at Christmas 2012, Beach shot = 195 ish lbs in Florida, Early March 2013:

  • Date: March 21, 2013
    Weight: 224.5
    Fat Percentage: 44%
    Waist Size: 45 inches
    Pant Size: 18 to 20
    Before Picture: I just took this picture on my webcam yesterday.

    Memory/Emotions/Moods from this week: I've oscillated between annoyed, hopeful and being on edge. I will be completing 6 weeks of physical therapy for my feet and ankles this week. I wish I could do more because I don't think I'm really done but the job is calling and I need to go back on travel status starting this Sunday. Speaking of job, that's where I'm hopeful. I had a job interview last week that went really well. I've got my fingers and toes crossed.

    Something you are struggling with and hope to have overcome by October: I'm struggling a bit with my current job. It's really not at all fulfilling. And, I have to travel from Lansing, MI to Bismarck, ND quite often. The travel is both physically tiring and emotionally difficult. I'm also struggling a bit with the resurgence of anxiety symptoms including rumination.

    Goals to be Completed by October: Weight wise, I would dearly love to be in Onderland with only 25 pounds more to go to get to my eventual goal. Jobwise, I'd just like to be in a more fulfilling job with minimal travel. Emotions wise, I'd like my peace and self-confidence back.

    Dear Future Me,

    Don't ever forget how far you've come and how much you've done. Hold your head high, keep your shoulders back and keep moving forward.
  • Date: 3/21/13
    Weight: 289.5
    Waist Size: 47"
    Before Picture:

    This is you on your 27th birthday

    This is you in Ireland, summer of 2011, before your stomach got so big & preggo-looking! This is about what you look like right now, give or take a few pounds.

    Memory/Emotions/Moods from this week: Right now, though unemployed, you are loving life and feeling better than ever. Enjoying the weight loss process, feeling good about dietary changes, workout routines, being a farm girl, taking care of the animals, being with family, planting the herb garden, and looking forward to the future. You may not make it to church every weekend, but you still feel very close with God and enjoy His presence and love and grace. By October, I hope you will have stayed positive, and happy, and found a satisfying job and maybe a boyfriend, lol.

    Something you are struggling with and hope to have overcome by October: Mostly, I just hope to have a counseling job and my own place, though still near to my family & farm, if not on the farm. I also hope to be more sociable, and more inclined to leave my comfort zone.

    Goals to be Completed by October: Job, get out more, lose as much as weight as is reasonable/healthy. I would love to be able to say that I have finally, for once in my life, kept this weight loss going for more than a couple of months, and that I have actually changed my lifestyle and habits for the better. The main goal is to be healthier overall! Also: to be able to get on & off my horse without help!

    Dear Future Me,
    You are doing so well! I hope you have remembered to be patient, and to "just keep swimming" no matter what. The pay off may be a long ways down the road, but that doesn't mean it won't be worth it! I hope you are still maintaining healthy habits, and still loving life. (I also hope you have a boyfriend, or at least the prospect of one ). Remember how great you feel right this moment, and how much more incredible you will feel when your goals have been met. You're doing it! If you've kept it up, you're now at the lowest weight you've been in like seven years! You deserve a carrot! And broccoli! And this guy!
  • Date: March 21st, 2013.
    Weight: 263.0 lbs.
    Fat Percentage: 52.3%
    Waist Size: 41"
    Pants: 20/22.
    Shirts: XL or XXL, depending on brand.

    Current Before Pictures:

    Face Shot, at 263 lbs:

    The Dreaded Body Shot, at 267 lbs:

    Reality Check: Yeah...that body shot really hurt to post, but knowing that this isn't even you at your highest weight was a total wake-up call! All the before shots you've taken in preparation for your goal thread will be worth it when you reach your goal and can post your after shots next to them, I promise. (Also, don't lose your photos from when we were 282; they're around somewhere! As much as you hate them, don't delete them. You will need them.)

    Memory/Emotions/Moods from this week: On a more positive note, this is the week you will be hitting 20 pounds back off! That might not seem like much, especially since you've lost so much before (and you have lost so much more since the time you wrote this!)...but, this is still amazing, because we both know how hard it is for you to start something back up after a failure. And, that didn't stop us this time. We're back, and we have already shed 1/5th of a hundred pounds! It's all in how you look at things. Remember that. You can look back on this time capsule and remember what it is like to be so determined not to let setbacks get you off your game again. This should come in handy, because I'm sure you still experience those annoying or frustrating setbacks occasionally, and we always will. It is the nature of life. Nothing to be upset or quit over!

    Something you are struggling with and hope to have overcome by October: I hope that you have finally convinced yourself that you can be a runner. I will be starting on that for you very soon, don't worry. It will be hard and our body will have to get used to it, but I will get through and take care of that. All you have to do now is keep going. Don't let my sore legs and aching knees be in vain! Also, I hope you've figured out a way to not let other people in your life emotionally affect you in a way that hinders your goals or makes you feel like none of this is worth it. You and me have got to stick together...we're the only one that can make this happen. Don't do this just to prove something to them; we are doing this for us, too.

    Goals to be Completed by October:
    -- Be under 200 lbs for the first time in 10 years!
    -- Start and complete the C25k program.
    -- Run a mile without stopping.
    -- Start incorporating strength training.
    -- Be at least 50% raw.
    -- Be at least 80% converted from veggie to vegan.
    -- Learn what it means to never give up on yourself.
    -- Restart your fertility appointments.
    -- Regain ovulatory status and heal your body for a possible pregnancy.
    -- Prepare yourself emotionally in case of officially declared infertility.
    -- Love yourself, no matter what happens.

    Dear Future Me,

    All of that being said, I hope that - no matter what the scale says today - you have become a healthier person than I am right now as I write this. That you have given your very best and haven't given up on me. If you're reading this, I know you are here at 3FC, so that gives me hope that you are still going strong. I am so proud of you! Our bodies are capable of amazing things, and I bet you have discovered a few awesome things about our body already. I really wish I could look into the future and see you, because I know that would be the only motivation that I'd need right now. I know it doesn't feel like it now and it may not even feel like it as you are reading this in October, but I love you. Yeah, you heard me! We ARE worth it. I hope that you are reading this all with a smile, because you are looking back at me right now and thanking me for starting this journey way back here in March. No more looking at old posts wondering why you didn't just stick with it then. This is the "then" we will be wishing for if we don't keep going. So...hey. Why not just keep going this time and see what kind of wonderful things can happen?

    If I could ask you five questions, they would be this:

    1. How does it feel to be in "Onederland" again? It's been so long that I bet it feels amazing! Enjoy it fully, but don't you dare get complacent on me! I know you are tempted to be more casual about this journey now that you are getting so much happier with yourself, but remember that there is still a long road ahead of us. You (should be) over halfway there by now. Don't give up!

    2. What size jeans are you wearing now? Our body has fluctuated so much at different weights, that it would actually be hard to guess! Hmm, I'm going to say...a 16? Or, maybe even a snug 14 if you've already started strength training. Am I close?

    3. Has anything changed with our marriage now that you're starting to feel more confident about yourself? I bet Ryan is really proud of you, even if he doesn't say it all the time. Remember that he's not always vocal with praise. He shows it more by action. Pay attention to the way he looks at you...I bet there is an even brighter sparkle in that eye of his already! Keep going! Haha. Make sure you wear a nice outfit that shows off your progress for your anniversary this month.

    4. What are you going to be for Halloween this year? I already know this will be more exciting for you now that you're over 80 lbs lighter than we were at the start of this journey. Maybe you should be Alice in "Onederland"....hahah. Oh, I know. But, I bet you're still as cheesy as I was, so I know you at least giggled at that.

    5. Did you finally go back to college this semester? Don't forget about improving your mind while you are so busy kicking butt at improving your body. You are a whole person that deserves to strive for and achieve anything to which you set your mind. What are you so afraid of...being openly proud of yourself for something? Go ahead. BE PROUD. You are literally working your behind off. Let the rest of you shine, as well.

    In Conclusion:
    Give yourself a big ol' hug. No, really...right now. I will wait. Yeah, I know you feel silly...just do it, lol. Okay, you're hugging yourself now, right? Okay, good. That is me from the past hugging you right now. I am thanking you for all the hard work you have done to get where you are today and for not giving up this time. Whenever you feel like like giving in, I hope you hear my voice in the back of your head cheering you on...and, of course, totally making you feel guilty after gushing about you like this, ha. All kidding aside though, keep your chin up. Times are tough, but you know what? So are we.