Oh Noooeezzz.....Sore Throat!

  • I woke up with a wicked sore throat this morning.

    I've yet to figure out how to balance weight loss/eating well with feeling ill.

    Any tips?

  • You have to take care of yourself first. Do what you need to do to get better, and then worry about weight loss.

    Feel better soon!
  • I hate when life decides it wants to be all....lifey. -_-
  • Hope you feel better soon. Soups, tea with honey, and toast were always what my mom fed me when I had a sore throat and the cold or a flu. Now that I think of it, I always ended up losing a couple of pounds. But take care of yourself first.
  • Have some soup! It's very comforting and nourishing when you don't feel well and also pretty filling.

    Hope you feel better very soon.
  • I remembered that I made beef stew and almond meal bread this weekend, so I'm SOOO pleased to have leftovers to turn to tonight. Maybe that's the trick- frozen soup in the freezer.
  • Yeah, same here. I've been battling the sore throat/fever bug for a week now. It's been hard to make sure that I am getting enough fluids in because it's hard to swallow. I've been putting lemon juice in hot water and sipping it. I haven't been doing as good of a job in planning my food or eating my frequent small meals. It's been more dense food and usually something warm like peanut butter toast or oatmeal. Once I am feeling better, I need to get back on track to planning and eating higher volume foods. And of course, I haven't exercised all week, either. I've maintained for the week so far. Even though I've kept my calories on track, I am not showing a loss? Oh well. Right now, I'm just looking forward to feeling better.

    This is a critical time, though - we MUST get on track once we are better!!! I've fallen into poor habits so many times by getting sick and it WILL NOT happen this time. It's funny, even though I haven't gone over on my calories, getting out of the habit of planning food and exercising make me feel like I'm off plan even when I'm not. Remind ourselves that in our new lifestyle, this is how we "do sick" and we'll get back up and get going as soon as we can.

    In the meanwhile, if it doesn't hurt too much, have fun with your "sexy voice."