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mj5 07-04-2012 09:36 AM

Accountability, Menus, Plans, Exercise....Stuff! July 2012
Here is place where you can find some accountability, write down your food plan, or excecise and other helpful things.

Please feel free to join in!

mj5 07-04-2012 09:38 AM

Hi Everyone! I have been horrible about posting lately. I will be better, promise. I still don't have a laptop, but I added the link to this site to my phone, so it will be easier to find. Hopefully getting a laptop later this month....

I have my next 5k in two weeks! SO excited! I am doing updated pics and measurements later today, so I will be back later to share!

Hope you are all doing well!

Kitcherella 07-05-2012 03:56 AM

Hello. All is well here. I am going to the beach from Friday till Monday and I will be swimming all day long. I really can't wait. :swim:

I haven't had great loses lately but I am really happy because I measured myself and I have lost inches from my waist. Good food and exercise is paying off. And I am ever so confident that I will manage to reach my goal not in terms of kilos/pounds but my BMI will be in the normal range, I will be strong and healty as can be.

Mj- I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend, get ready for the 5k, and I can't wait to see your pictures. You are an inspiration.

As I am restarting a book I have been trying to read for 3 summers in a row (Catch-22, Joseph Heller) the quote is about books.

A book must be an ice-axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul. Franz Kafka

mj5 07-05-2012 05:17 AM

Good Morning!

Kitcherella--CONGRATULATIONS on inches lost! That's awesome! A weekend at the beach sounds wonderful! Have a great time.

My pics came out blurry and full of shadows. The batteries in the camera were going, so we think that was part of the problem. I was really disappointed because I was looking forward to getting them done and sharing them, but I'll pick up some batteries today and we'll get them taken within the next couple of days.

I am meeting up w/ my bff after work today. I am SO excited. She moved out of state last year and we haven't seen each other since she moved. Of course we have talked on the phone a lot, but not the same. After we hang out for a while, I will run....3.5mi is the plan for today. Yikes...well, I will run as much as I can and take walk-breaks when I need to.

Have a great day!

Kitcherella 07-05-2012 04:17 PM

I just had a fantastic afternoon with my 2 closest friends! I invited them to my house to have a fitness party! We did a DVD workout and we laughed all the way -even more than my husband who was watching us- at least when we weren't out of breath.:exercise: It is very nice to do something energetic together and we rarely go dancing nowadays. And then we had some nice ice cold watermelon.
The next date is set and we have decided to give :belly: a go.

Mj - I am sure you'll have a great time with your friend. :cofdate: Enjoy your run and have a great weekend.

mj5 07-08-2012 05:42 AM

Kitcherella--What a great idea!!! I did have a great time catching up w/ my friend. It was great to see her.

Yesterday was one of my niece's grad party. I wanted to go of course, but was NOT looking forward to some of the comments, etc about my weight loss, my workouts, etc (from people who just don't get that you REALLY can make significant changes by eating well and working out). Anyway...what I didn't know until I arrived was that my younger brother was telling everyone how proud he is of me, everything I am doing, that I am starting to run, etc. So....by the time I showed up, everyone was excited to see me and actually asked questions about what/how I am doing it all. The total opposite of what usually happens at family events. I was SO happy.

Speaking of pics....here is my most recent update pic:


Hope everyone is doing well!

Auty 07-11-2012 01:52 AM

Hey, still here just popping in. I seemed to forget how busy summer is for us, and how much my husband has to travel all over this state, and how that means when I go with him we rarely have internet or even cell phone service! I hope that everyone is doing well, will update more as I can. I miss everyone!

Kitcherella 07-12-2012 07:57 AM

:wave:Hello people!
It is a lovely hot as **** day :devil: here and I just turned on the computer and I was thinking about Auty and Alaska and there she is!!! What's the weather like there? Lovely to hear from you! I hope you are enjoying travelling around there, pop in whenever you can!

Mj - you look fabulous as usual! I must start taking pictures too. Nice that all went well at the family thing, funny though I was at my niece's grad party too the other day! Your 5k must be getting closer if not this weekend? If it is GO MJ!!

mj5 07-13-2012 05:23 AM

Hi! Hope everyone is doing well!

Auty--great to hear from you! Sounds like you are super busy, but well.

Kitcherella--How cool that you were at a niece's grad party too! Yes, definitely start taking pictures. I hated taking them in the beginning...now I can't wait to see the changes each month, especially when the scale isn't moving much. My next 5k is soon!!! It's Thursday, 19th at 7pm. It's odd to me that it is a Thursday evening, but at least it will be cooler! I have the 19th and 20th off, so a nice long weekend for me next weekend!

Work is extra busy lately, but good. I should have my new workout within the next day or two. Kickboxing tonight, I soooo can't wait!!! Our instructor was on vacation last week, so there weren't any formal classes. I missed it! Tonight will be extra hard, but that's ok!

My running is going well. Ha...there's something I never thought I would say! Last night I ran 4miles. Not fast, but I didn't stop! It felt incredible! Hard to believe that a month ago I struggled with running a mile!

Have a great day!

mj5 07-17-2012 02:49 AM

How is everyone doing? Check in when you can.

I ran 1mi last night. 10'24". It was HOT, so I was very happy with that. Hoping for a pace clost to that on Thursday night for my next 5k! But...also trying not to get my hopes up either. My REAL goal is the 8k in November, so I am working hard towards that. Didn't get to my strength training last night...just ran out of time.

Tonight's run is 3.5mi. It is going to be high 90's and very possibly 100 today, so I will hit the dreaded treadmill for my run....just way too hot to run outside. I would just skip the run, but so close to the 5k I don't want to. The treadmill is just so boring to me...I am going to download some new music, so hopefully that will help!

Hope you are all doing well!

Kitcherella 07-17-2012 03:35 AM


Not a great weekend for me. I went to a wedding and I spent two days eating a bit too much and drinking too so I am up two pounds (despite dancing and walking around all day). Hopefully, by the end of the week they will have disappeared. Anyway, I had a good time and danced a lot.
It is very hot here too, today is the first day we have a nice breeze that makes things bearable. I am going for a walk later and tonight I am doing a DVD workout. I've got to sweat out the wine I drank these two days.

Mj - That's an amazing time! I saw this and I thought of you so... There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream. New music sounds fine. Maybe a podcast would be good too.

I can't wait till Friday to go to the beach again. Everything is better when you are close to the sea. :beach:

Kitcherella 07-19-2012 03:44 AM


Back to normal here, eating well and exercising -the two pounds from the wedding gone- and wishing for two things a) a loss on Monday b) a drop of temperature.

Tomorrow afternoon I will be at beach :swim:

Mj - Good luck at the run, have fun and enjoy!!!


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

mj5 07-22-2012 03:45 PM

Hi! I have a new laptop, finally!!!! Ahhh....much better!

Thank you!!! My 5k went well, although, I came close to not doing it. My knee was really sore and I just wasn't sure if I should do it. As it turns out, it actually felt better after doing it, so I'm glad I did. I took 2:31 off my first 5k time! Yesterday I ran 4.5" (well, most of it anyway). This week's runs are: 1mi, 4mi, and 5mi....a little daunting...but I'll get through it.

mj5 07-25-2012 05:31 AM

Just moving us up! Hope you are doing well!

gailr42 07-25-2012 10:32 AM

mj5, your pics are inspiring! I bet folks always say what a pretty face you have. Now you have the bod to go with! Especially nice that your brother is proud of you!

mj5 07-28-2012 08:47 AM

Awww, thanks Gail!

Busy, fun Saturday here...kickboxing, errands, gym, then home to finish up some food prep.

Hope you are all doing well!

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