NSV for me!

  • I have to brag a bit cause I'm proud of myself. I have't been eating between meals NOR have I been finding myself in the kitchen looking for something to munch at night. Also I have a 9m old that eats at diff times than I do and I haven't been tempted to eat just cause he is!

    It's the little things that add up to something big. I'm so happy about this.
  • exactly! the little things add up. bravo
  • That's great! Good job
  • Yay!
  • FANTASTIC - you are balancing so much right now - v excited that you are able to take care of yourself in this v busy time.
  • Woo hoo! Well done!
  • Yeah!! You are right, those little things do add up to something big!
  • I've just got to get more physical activity in. I've been so tired lately its like ughhhh... But I'm happy about things so far.