weight loss, Wii and my son

  • I pulled out the Wii to get in today's workout. My 7 year old heard the tell tale sound and came running into the living room. For some reason, he loves watching me use it. I told him to go back to bed but he said it wasn't fair, I've been using it at night after he goes to bed so he never gets to watch me any more.

    Then I did the Body Test where they show your weight and your BMI. He was SO excited that my weight and BMI were down. But then he told me that I should make sure I don't get underweight and so when I get to the right weight, I should start eating sweets again so that I don't get underweight and could get blown away by the wind.

    It's been a VERY long day, I've been up since about 5 am and busy pretty much the whole time, but having my own little cheering section definitely motivated me to get in today's work out!
  • April Snow - what a sweetheart he must be! And you're setting such an example of healthy living and eating. This is such a great opportunity for you 2 to learn together. And he's right, you know - a few sweets once in a while to keep us from blowing away in the wind is as good an excuse as any. I'll use it next time I fail to resist the temptation! Give him a hug for me and tell him he has a great attitude of support and insight. And, congrats on the weight and BMI coming down!

  • I love it!!! Such a cute anecdote!!!
  • That's adorable! I love it!
  • What a sweet boy you have!
  • That is just completely awesome!
  • You have raised a great boy. Kudos to you.
  • thanks Lin, lilies, Dana, Gale, FitGirlyGirl and Puneri!

    I do think he's a real sweetie and it's truly been helpful to have him be support of me "getting smaller" - we're a family of two so it makes a difference to have him on my team.
  • awwwww what a little muffin to say that **melt**