Hi! Can I join you?

  • Hi, everyone! I just joined this forum today. I need to lose about 130 pounds. 7 years agao I started this weight loss journey and lost 90 lbs. Then I went through a divorce and a lot of the weight piled back on. I got remarried and the rest of it piled back on. I think I got complacent.

    My daughter is becoming very conscious of weight and bodies and is hesitant to even wear a bathing suit even though she is tall (5 ft. 1) at 10 years old. She is in the higher percentage weight wise, but still the doctor says she is fine and maybe is slightly (5-7 lbs) higher than she should be. This was told to me in confidence by the doctor.

    Anyway, I figure that I need to emphasize more healthy eating instead of the number on the scale (for her). If I don't eat healthy than I can't ask her to.

    So part of my motivation is to be a role model for her and also to be healthier so that I can enjoy life more. I am tired of not wanting to go places because of my weight or feeling stress about the idea of maybe going to visit my in-laws in India next year because I keep thinking, "What if I don't fit in the airplane seat?"

    I just read a book called Finally Thin and it had a lot of interesting points in it. I am trying to apply those to myself.

    Anyway, glad to be here!
  • Hi and welcome. You will find this forum very helpful and supportive. How did you lose before? Any specific food plans / exercises? Good Luck on your journey!
  • Welcome!
  • Mishibish --- what a wonderful attitude you express! It will be great to have another successful loser on the board, someone who has already walked this path before and knows the trials and triumphs it contains. And I love the idea of you becoming a strong, healthy role model for your daughter --- that is going to help her so much for the rest of her life!

    I'm glad you decided to hang out with us and look forward to reading more about your journey!

  • Welcome miShibish,
    This is a great forum. Here, we support each other. Btw, are you an Indian?
    Your face looks familiar
  • welcome!!!

    I am also the mom of a young child (7 year old boy) and completely agree with you about the importance of modelling healthy eating and activity. Right now, he's very active and underweight, but I want to change my habits before that starts to change for him!
  • Welcome to the group! I wish I had your attitude years ago when my daughter was young. Fortunately, somehow, in spite of my poor example, she was never anything but thin. I think we ate the right things, I just ate too much of them. And I was never able to moderate snacks and junk food. You'll never regret setting a good example for your family. Planning a trip is a great incentive, too. Long term goal - set an example for your family. Short term goal - no worries about airplane seats!

  • Welcome Mishibish! Glad you are joining us. Way to go being a positive role model for your daughter.
  • What a roller-coaster ride you've been on! Glad that you're here to inspire us and work with us as we all go through this journey together.
  • I congratulate you on making what I feel is a VERY POSITIVE step in the right direction. The 3FC community has made ALL the difference for me and I hope you find the same to be true for you. Being a mother of healthy kids (boys), I also applaud your motivation. I have been lucky that my kids have not followed my footsteps but I'd decided enough was enough and I could no longer slowly kill myself and teach my kids that lifestyle is acceptable. Having girls is a whole different story. You are giving her the greatest gift by taking time to teach her about healthy body image now. Way to go!

    I look forward to getting to know you better and wish you daily motivation and success!
  • Wow! Thanks for such a warm welcome. It means a lot to me.

    Slimjem- Last time I lost all the weight I did the South Beach Diet. I am doing that again this time although I expect the weight loss to go a little slower since I am 7 years older now! I just finished my first week on it and now that I am getting used to the food and the prep work again, I plan on adding the exercise. I have a dvd that goes along with the eating plan, so I will try that first.

    Puneri- I am from India, but have been here since I was 1 year old. My husband's grew up in India and his parents are still there so we are hoping to go visit them.

    linJber- As I mentioned, my daughter is so tall and just a little rounded. I think she will outgrow it when she goes through puberty. Even as a baby, she was tall and lean. Her father (my ex-husband) is like that too, so I hope she inherited at least that from him (and hopefully nothing else )! But, since she is so conscious of it, I feel like I should help her develop healthy eating habits now. For the most part she does eat healthy, but that is mostly because I give her that food. I am hoping that eventually she will choose the healthy food. Does that make sense?

    Thanks again for the warm welcome and I look forward to "talking" to all of you every day.
