Blood Pressure - NSV

  • I went to the doctor today to see about my cold. The nurse took my blood pressure and she said it was good. I asked her what it was because three and a half months ago my regular doctor told me that my bp was medium high. The doc told me I had to lose weight because my cholesterol and bp was high.

    Today I found out that my bp went from medium high at 140/70 to 122/80 which is healthy. I was pleased to hear that, and I vowed to get back on track and keep healthy. I want to keep my bp normal and I'll find out in few weeks about my cholesterol. I'm thinking I may not need to be put on cholesterol meds anymore. Just thought I'd share.

    Anyone else have any healthy news after losing some weight?
  • Oh yeah! My BP went from 155/105 down to 106/60. And my blood glucose from 104 to 86. I don't know about cholesterol yet. I'm hoping for good news because mine was quite high.
  • Great results! We're making real progress!
  • Congratulations; that's wonderful news! Hope your cold goes away soon.