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goal4agirl 11-03-2010 04:15 PM

Did I hear correctly???
I was watching the biggest loser last night (I have never watched it much because it breaks my heart) I heard Jillian Michaels say something about "stress hormones" keeping you from losing weight. Did I hear that right? Forgive me if this is common knowledge but I did not realize stress can slow or stop your weight loss. Is this true? Does anyone know anything about this... or did I misunderstand what was said?

Sunshine73 11-03-2010 04:17 PM

I was actually watching that too and I caught what she said about stress causing difficulty with weight loss. I'd heard something similar before but I don't know how accurate it is. :?:

L144S 11-03-2010 04:20 PM

yup, cortisol

Teresa66 11-03-2010 04:32 PM

Having gone through a tremendous amount of stress in the last year while trying to lose weight, I can say without a doubt it hinders weight-loss. I've also done some reading on the subject and stress can cause a whole lot of issues including keeping you from losing weight.

matt_H 11-03-2010 04:40 PM

but being overweight itself is also a stressor! ;)

socalfelicity 11-03-2010 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by matt_H (Post 3551434)
but being overweight itself is also a stressor! ;)

true dat!

cortisol really can inhibit weight-loss. that being said, when i was in law school, i lost a lot of weight one semester (40 pounds in 3 months) and i was under a tremendous amount of stress at the time...

mkroyer 11-03-2010 05:10 PM

Its not just the emotional, anxiety type stress (related to jobs, family, etc) but PHYSICAL stressers that we cant really see or judge that can contribute to halting weight-loss. Cortisol levels increase when we dont get enough sleep. Cortisol increases when we do intense exercise. Cortisol levels even increase whenever we undereat (aka diet). Just being in a caloric deficit raises cortisol levels in the body, even if you dont FEEL like you are "stressed". This is why, alot of times it is very helpful (and sometimes necessary) to take diet "breaks". This helps to reset the cortisol and leptin and other hormones in your body

xty 11-03-2010 06:02 PM

She is correct.

Our bodies are designed for active stress (tigers and warriors), not passive stress (jobs, family, being overweight, etc). When we experience stress (passive or active), our bodies release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

Cortisol and adrenaline are really helpful for active stress.
- cortisol shuts down the parts of your brain you dont need to survive: cognitive function is seriously diminished. Our bodies doesnt want us to think about fighting or fleeing, its better to pick one based on instinct and not analyze!
- adrenaline production increases to enable fight or flee
- they empty your stomach by producing a bunch of stomach acid, not having a gut full of stuff actually helps you flee
- the list goes on, but you get the idea

Now, those stress hormones are ONLY removed from your body thru action (fight or flee). This is why exercise actually helps with stress.

In modern society we all experience massive amounts of passive stress, its fairly new - last 100 years. And our bodies have no idea how to cope with it. The same hormones are released, only:
- in traffic or family or work you need cognitive functions and they arent as sharp
- many stomach issues are related to the ongoing passive stress because of the acid overproduction (it can cause ulcers too)
- we cant actually fight or flee, so the hormones dont go away. they build up in the blood stream and cause side effects like weight gain in the medically worst places (belly fat) and an serious increase in carb cravings

I highly recommend (though its a little challenging and dense with info):
Undoing Perpetual Stress: The Missing Connection Between Depression, Anxiety and 21st Century Illness


It isnt only informative, it has helpful suggestions.

Anecdotally, my fastest and easiest weight loss spurt happened 2 years ago when I lost 30lbs in 2 months without even trying exclusively by addressing my stress. I actually was eating MORE because my ulcer also improved.

In addition the suggestions in the book, here are some I have found very helpful:
- meditation (there are many kinds, not just the think of nothing kind...and dont do it when you are stressed, try when you are calm...integrating 3 mins of meditation to my morning really, really helped)
- working out. obvious :)
- acupuncture (I was a total skeptic, helped in the very first session with stress and moreover with the related tummy issues...when many drs and many meds had not)
- hypnotherapy (really this was guided meditation and visualization, it helped me work thru many issues)
- touch, any kind. I isolate myself when stressed. Women need another hormone called oxytocin and we produce it most when we do things focused around touching, loving, giving, helping, sharing, caring. Sounds totally not feminist, but its science and its true
- removing stresses if you can. Getting out of a bad relationship and a job that wasnt making me happy...again obvious

Arctic Mama 11-03-2010 06:08 PM

Cortisol levels have a huge impact on weightloss; stress and sleep deprivation have the biggest impact on those levels.

It's absolutely true and most people can anecdotally note this, as well as numerous studies proving it.

lazylioness 11-03-2010 06:27 PM

well...ditto to what everyone has already said. :)

I can tell you from the last week I have had here at the office, that it is absolutely true!

PinkHoodie 11-03-2010 06:33 PM

This was REALLY interesting and imformative. Thank you!!! :D

Gale02 11-03-2010 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Arctic Mama (Post 3551569)
Cortisol levels have a huge impact on weightloss; stress and sleep deprivation have the biggest impact on those levels.

So, what you're saying is that with a two year old and a newborn I'm pretty much screwed. ;)

goal4agirl 11-03-2010 07:01 PM

Thank you all so much! I did not realize this. I also am not getting enough sleep. I stay up way too late. I am going to try to get more sleep. And try to relax more. :)

ubergirl 11-03-2010 07:08 PM

Yup. A good way to illustrate this is that diabetics' blood sugar goes up whenever they are sick, in pain, or under a lot of emotional stress even if their meds and diet stay the same.

kaplods 11-03-2010 07:32 PM

This is why my pulmonologist told me when I was prescribed a cpap for my sleep apnea, that I would probably lose some weight without even trying (and I thought he was bonkers, because I'd never lost any weight without trying in my life, and I had been dieting since I was 5 years old).

About eight months later, I learned that I had indeed lost weight without trying, about 20 lbs. I don't think I would have attempted weight loss again, if it weren't for those 20 lbs. It changed the way I thought about weight loss, and I was determined to at the very least, keep off those magical, beautiful, accidental pounds. I decided that if I could focus on keeping weight off, instead of getting weight off, I'd eventually get to my goal weight (or at the very least, would never regain a single pound permanently).

When I think I can't lose another ounce, I remind myself that I can at least work to keep every ounce I've lost off.

Eliana 11-03-2010 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by xty (Post 3551560)
- touch, any kind. I isolate myself when stressed. Women need another hormone called oxytocin and we produce it most when we do things focused around touching, loving, giving, helping, sharing, caring. Sounds totally not feminist, but its science and its true

Sometimes a post just touches someone, ya know? (No pun intended, seriously.) I tend to isolate myself too, but on the rare occasion that I do let my husband hug me warmly and deeply, it just feels so freeing. I'm not sure why I resist it so much.

I need a hug. :hug: ;)

Eliana 11-03-2010 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Gale02 (Post 3551615)
So, what you're saying is that with a two year old and a newborn I'm pretty much screwed. ;)

Mmm, just smell that newborn's head. ;) It's as good as meditation!

xty 11-03-2010 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Eliana (Post 3551718)
Sometimes a post just touches someone, ya know? (No pun intended, seriously.) I tend to isolate myself too, but on the rare occasion that I do let my husband hug me warmly and deeply, it just feels so freeing. I'm not sure why I resist it so much.

I need a hug. :hug: ;)

Awww, *hugs*!

I learned a great deal about the physical connection to my happiness and stress from the book below. To be honest, I always considered John Gray's work popsci stuff with no real value until I met him in person in a private setting. His newer book goes into the science of how men and women deal with stress on a biochemical level SO different and how to treat yourself and your partner differently in simple ways to meet each others needs. It is an easy ready and I highly suggest you pick it up (or just go to Borders and read it there in 45mins! hehe)


Gale02 11-04-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Eliana (Post 3551720)
Mmm, just smell that newborn's head. ;) It's as good as meditation!

Agreed! They do have a very special smell, I just love it. It can calm me so quickly. :)

Beverlyjoy 11-04-2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by xty (Post 3551560)
In addition the suggestions in the book, here are some I have found very helpful:
- meditation (there are many kinds, not just the think of nothing kind...and dont do it when you are stressed, try when you are calm...integrating 3 mins of meditation to my morning really, really helped)
hypnotherapy (really this was guided meditation and visualization, it helped me work thru many issues)
- touch, any kind. I isolate myself when stressed. Women need another hormone called oxytocin and we produce it most when we do things focused around touching, loving, giving, helping, sharing, caring. Sounds totally not feminist, but its science and its true

Yes...meditation is very helpful. I have been feeling overwhelming stress of late and I 'made' myself meditate for 30 minutes. I listened to a relaxation cd. It was very helpful. I used to meditate every day. Today proves that I need to go back to it.

I also agree hardily with touch of all kinds like mentioned above.

Great post. Thanks!

Charms 11-04-2010 07:29 PM

Ten years ago I lost over 150 pounds and was doing great with maintaining for 5 years. Then my son joined the army and served 2 tours in Iraq. My youngest son was committed to a mental hospital during this time. And the company I was working for went bust. NOT a happy time in my life.

My body could not handle all the cortisol I was producing (over 3x the usual) and I developed Cushings Syndrome. Let's just say they don't call it the Obesity Disease for nothing. Add some additional fun with GI issues that required abdominal surgery to fix and "whoooosh" I regained a ton of weight.

I'm working my way to healthy again with a much greater appreciatation for my mental health as well. Plenty of good foods and exercse, yes. But also lots of sleep and taking care of me time.

Don't let your stress take over your body. It's not pretty.

goal4agirl 11-05-2010 12:00 AM

Thank you all for the information! I learned a lot from this thread and all the good advice you gave.
I am going to find more ways to relax. The scale finally did move again so I was very happy today. I have been in a stall for a few weeks. I will be happy to make it to onederland I have not seen that for over 15 years. :goodscale
Charms- I did want to say Bless your heart! I wish you the greatest success with your weight loss. You deserve some peaceful happiness in your life.:yes:

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