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VicSin13 08-13-2010 01:40 PM

Self Sabotage?
Please shoot me! :( I've had a terrible day today and its just started. Yesterday I was up a whole pound, I was very discouraged, but I convinced myself it was most likely water gain or something to that effect and resolved to just get over it. I woke up today feeling "skinny" I love my "skinny" days because it makes me want to jump on the scale for my affirmation. I know daily weigh ins are trouble to begin with but since I do the wii fit for fun plus my exercise, its kind of part of the package to weigh in. Well...it wasn't a skinny day, I apparently gained 0.2 lbs. Which is not MUCH but since I was used to seeing the scale go so far down, I was VERY upset. I felt ugly, I felt fat and I felt useless pretty much. I got emotional and angry. We met up with db's father and grandfather for breakfast since he is out visiting. I couldn't imagine eating an egg white omelet, just the thought made me want to vomit (I use egg beaters @ home) Anyway, I got what I thought looked healthiest and didn't plan to eat it all. California Omelet. Had avocados, onions, tomatoes and bacon (not as much as I had hoped LOL) I ate more than I intended as well as scarfing half my order of home fries, and my WHOLE order of wheat toast (2 slices cut into 4 pieces)with butter. I also had two cups of coffee, with one creamer and one splenda (this was probably the only thing in my breakfast that wasn't overly indulgent) Why did I do this to myself? If we went to the breakfast place by our house I was going to get the delicious oatmeal they have there with the fruits and nuts in it, but since his father had coupons for Cocos, we went there. Am I a complete idiot!? This is the very first time in a month that I have eaten something that was TOTALLY off plan. According to myplate, I have about 100 calories left to consume for the rest of the day. WHAT DO I DO? I know I can't really not eat the rest of the day (well I could but...) I guess I just need some advice on how to fix my f*ck up now. I am feeling worse now than I did when I stepped on the scale. Now I feel fat AND guilty! HELP ME PLEASE! :o

Jenteal 08-13-2010 01:54 PM

Please don't beat yourself up. We ALL have off days. You caught it early and now you can turn the day around. Make sure to drink LOTS of water. That will help keep you feeling full throughout the day. Maybe stick to fruits and veggies for the rest of the day? And exercise. We had a day a couple of months ago when we hit up a Sonic on our way home from a family gathering. Needless to say I felt extremely guilty when we got home and ended up going to the Sonic website and added up my calories (2000+!!!). So I jumped on my exercise bike for 2 hours straight. I know that's a bit excessive, but it made me feel better in the moment.

So find something that makes you feel better and go do it. You'll be getting over these hurdles in no time.


VicSin13 08-13-2010 01:56 PM

:hug: That was pretty much my plan! Thank you a bunch I needed the hugs! LOL

Ciao 08-13-2010 02:28 PM


I was at 141 lbs and by the end of the
day got up to 144 lbs! :o Talk about
a wacky day. It will pass and the best
you can do is just get back on track. :)


Cleophas 08-13-2010 05:36 PM

I had a binge yesterday, so I know how you feel after a doughnut and two (why was one not enough!) large chocolate bars I had nothing left. It took a lot of willpower to get up and eat like a real person again this morning instead of just caving into it. Just tomorrow, make sure you go back to it, one slip doesn't define who you are. :hug:

luckymommy 08-13-2010 05:42 PM

Don't dwell on what is do e. Focus on the present and the future. If you get back on track right away, you will probably lose it very quickly.....and then some! Hang in there and keep up the hard work. A small slip doesn't destroy all you have accomplished.

shannonmb 08-13-2010 08:08 PM

One meal does NOT ruin a healthy diet. Even if you ate 2 big macs, a super-size fry, an oreo McFlurry, and a hot apple pie. Next month that meal will be a blip on the radar and will really have no effect whatsoever on the bottom line.

The problem for me, and I've read this a lot of times here from others, is when you can't get back on plan right after the slip up. I've had one-day binges that turn into 2 years and 80 pounds gained. So just pick yourself up, continue on your plan, and think of it as a learning experience. My guess is that when you saw the scale this morning, you were probably doing some of that "what's the use" thinking, and it carried over to breakfast. Just stop it now and you are good to go! :hug:

And is there any way to skip the WI function on the Wii? I have been weighing just once a month, and it's so liberating! EVERY time I get on the scale is a decent loss, no one pound water weight here or there that used to make me insane!

kendra 08-13-2010 09:31 PM

:hug: We all have an off day but tomorrow is a brand new day! :)

LitChick 08-13-2010 11:18 PM


I agree with what others have said - don't dwell on it or berate yourself. Dust yourself off, eat light but sensibly for the rest of the day and get back on plan!

I had something similar tonight; hubby went out to a football game which meant I was on my own for supper. I contemplated getting some takeout but managed to avoid that trap, BUT, then I got home and proceeded to stirfry a batch of broccoli slaw, then two cups of brown rice AND a very large grilled chicken breast. None of that on its own was unhealthy but the quantity was. I didn't stop until I was painfully stuffed. But that's done and it's a one-time thing. I can't UNDO it but I don't need to REDO it either. :)

VicSin13 08-14-2010 10:21 AM

Thank you all!! I am glad to say, I actually had miscalculated my breakfast, though it was still very large, I actually had a bit over 300 calories left to consume. I drank alot of water, and I was able to have some yummy tuna salad on whole wheat bagel. I felt satisfied, but not stuffed with guilt like I had at breakfast! LOL So today is a new day and a new start and I am doing fine! I am going to see if there is anyway to NOT weigh in on the wii, but I think if I don't I don't get my "credit" for testing (which doesn't really matter since I know I did it!) It's 7:20 am here in California, and I am ready to start a better day! Thank you again for all the support and advice! *hugs*!

Liliann 08-14-2010 01:05 PM

:hug: Stay strong! :)

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