Day 10 - Challenge - Wednesday

  • Hi all!! I have updated the tally sheet - Krickett is leading the pack!! You go girl!!

    This time I have eliminated the names of the ladies who have never checked in. Please don't misunderstand me, anybody can join at any time, but I am only going to post those who have posted their points at least once.

    Keep up the great work girls!!
  • Day 10

    Food - 2
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 1

    Ha!!! A great day. Yes I pigged out at lunch but I've not felt hungry all the rest of the day and I'm certain that what I ate cannot be more than 29 points so I'm giving myself food points.
  • food 0
    water 0
    exersize - half hour
  • Food: 0 points (what the heck is wrong with me!!! I had 3 cookies last night that I should NOT have eaten. Sure, I was still within my points range, but I had to sacrifice some of the healthier food I NEED to eat. Behavior like that is not going to fly!!!)
    Water: 1 point
    Exercise: toning exercises & 30 min. walk
  • water:0