I got to show off a bit yesterday... (a tiny NSV)

  • I've been trying to vary my evening run and have included some hills in my route. One hill is about 1/4 mile and is VERY steep. While I was jogging yesterday, I jogged up the hill, right past a group of ladies who were barely able to walk up. As I passed by, they congratulated me! Of course, it put a bit of an extra spring in my step and I HAULED up that hill.

    Could I have done that a month ago? Nope.
  • Congrats! That's awesome! Progress with NSV is a great way to stay motivated even when the scale doesn't say what we want it to. Hope C25K continues to go well for you!
  • Congratulations! Great NSV!
  • Congratulations!
  • Awesome for you and kuddos to them!! Too often we say nothing.
  • Very cool! Great job!
  • A super NSV! You should feel great!
  • That is so great!!
  • Fantastic! Definately something to be proud of.
  • Thanks everyone! I'm feeling so positive about everything. Probably due to all of the good exercise hormones.
  • Woooohoooo! Great Job!!
  • What is nsv?

    && wtg! Thats awesome!
  • Quote: What is nsv?

    && wtg! Thats awesome!
    NSV= non-scale victory.