Back in the swing...

  • So, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Today is officially "Day 1".
    I'm counting calories. I joined Sparkpeople (previously, I had used the calorieking software and liked it). I did get thrown a curve when my sister wanted to go out to lunch; however, we went to Applebee's and I got one of the under 550 meals. I think that's ok.

    I am having a few problems. I believe that in a fit of "I'll never do it!", I threw out my food scale. So, I need to get one of those. Plus I need to brush up on things like if I'm eating brown rice is the 1/2 cup for prepared or dry.

    All and all...Day 1 has been deemed a success (so far!).
  • Good for you getting back on track and good luck
  • Good Job! Good Luck!
  • Excellent! Good luck, and don't give up!

    You know, I've been wondering about scales. I don't believe there is one in my whole house. I need to get one to measure my success or failure. The only reason I know my weight now is because of a recent doctor visit. Bleh! I'm sure they sell cheap.
  • Good job!