Working out the morning made me hungry! Anyone else?

  • I normally workout in the evenings, but I was going out for a girls night out monday night, so I got up early to do my workout, and I am NOT a morning person ( Yea me for forcing myself to get a workout in! ) Anyway, I noticed that I was hungrier then usual throughout the whole day. Has anyone else ever noticed that? Maybe it was just a fluke and I would of been hungry all day regardless if I worked out or not, but thought I'd ask if anyone else experienced that.
  • I did my workouts in the am that you mention it I wonder if that was why I felt hungry all day.

    It'll be interesting to see.
  • I'm a total morning person! I work out at 5:30 AM and usually do NOT get hungry all day. I think my body is used to the schedule it's on now. Like a baby!

    Sometimes I work out on an empty stomach, sometimes full. Either way, I do not get extra hungry later. I think a lot of people do though. There are warnings out there not to eat back the calories.

    Now just last night I took a one hour walk after dinner and was starving before bed! I guess I'm just on the flip side of that coin.
  • My hunger has increased through out the day as I started working out in the mornings. I try to have a protein filled breakfast and it helps a lot.
  • I'm curious as to what you ate for breakfast.

    I work out in the AM, usually before I eat (and before the kids are up ). If I eat something that is a carb for breakfast I am down right starving all day long. If I stick with a completely protein breakfast I am satisfied all day. My morning meal has become 2 egg white, 1 whole egg, 1 slice of deli ham and 1 slice of 2% cheese made into an omelet.. comes in under 200 cal and fills me up till lunch time.
  • Right well I exercise at night now, but when I first started I would hit the gym between breakfast and lunch. Lunch wasn't pretty. I was starving after my workouts and would eat....and eat....and pretty much negated the whole exercise process. I exercise now at night and surprisingly I'm not hungry afterward.
  • Quote: I'm curious as to what you ate for breakfast.

    I work out in the AM, usually before I eat (and before the kids are up ). If I eat something that is a carb for breakfast I am down right starving all day long. If I stick with a completely protein breakfast I am satisfied all day. My morning meal has become 2 egg white, 1 whole egg, 1 slice of deli ham and 1 slice of 2% cheese made into an omelet.. comes in under 200 cal and fills me up till lunch time.
    I didn't eat before working out. Once I got home, showered, had a cup of coffee, and got to work, ( 8am ) I had a sstoneyfield yogart with strawberries and another cup of coffee. ( maybe I needed more protien? )
  • You only had 5 calories in coffee and a small yogurt with fruit after working out?
    Ummm...YEAH, i'd be starving too! I always eat before a work-out in the body hasn't has fuel for hours AND i'm expecting it to burn more calories? Personally, if I had tried the same thing you did, I'd pass out.

    I would eat something with some protein and have some water.
  • Heck if I ate that little on a day I didn't work out, I would be ravenous all day, I can't imagine eating that after working out.
  • That tiny quantity of food would definitely make me starve in response to a workout, or on any day. When I first began working out heavily in the mornings, I had to reorganize my eating a little to prevent reactive hypoglycemia and the hunger that comes along with it. Now, before my workout I have 4 oz blueberries, 4 oz plain nonfat yogurt, 4 oz nonfat cottage cheese, 0.5 oz ground flax, and some ground ginger all mixed up together; plus my fish oil supplement, vitamin D, and calcium-magnesium. That's lots of protein, lots of fiber, and some good fat. Then immediately after my workout I eat 2 eggs scrambled, chocolate milk made from 12 oz nonfat milk, 1 oz cocoa, and sucralose, and some fruit such as a mango. (Again, lots of protein, fiber and good carbs, some good fat.) This keeps me full and happy until lunch, with no blood-sugar low and no feeling of starvation.

    Around-workout nutrition is also very important to make sure that whatever damage you have done to your muscles (such as in a strength-training workout) will be repaired and muscle will be built. If around-workout nutrition is neglected, then muscle can't be built--it'll just stay torn down.
  • Yogart and fruit is what I normally eat in the mornings though.

    Also, when I work out in the evenings, many times I have only a smoothie for dinner and I"m not hungry later. ( maybe cause I"m sleeping? )