I zipped my coat!!

  • Funny the things we get excited about!! My winter coat is a 2x. This winter at 273...I could no longer zip the darn thing. Part of the reason why I started this journey was the coat. I absolutely was not going to buy a 3x.

    We have had a resurgence of winter weather here in the Seattle area. I put it on to run an errand last night and was able to zip it up easily with room to spare! Still a 2x for sure but a roomy 2x. I'm right on the verge of being 20 lbs down. ( I haven't updated my ticker as I'm lazy, lately but I'm 19.6 lbs lighter!)
  • Wow, that must feel awesome! You've earned that coat zipper zipping! Congratulations!
  • I don't know how but I have coats in 2x, 1x, and large, so I understand your enthusiasm. When the 2x started to be snug I got a little scared.

    Congratulations! Just wait until next winter when you pull it out. You're going to need a new one.
  • Great going, Michelle !
  • Yippee that is awesome! Congrats!
  • Woo Hoo! What a great feeling!