Day 9 - Challenge - Thursday

  • Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

    food: 1
    water: 1
    exercise: 1 first night of yoga - wow!

    22 out of 27 points
  • Well I thought I would really be into this challange and get straight 3's but here is the last few days

  • water: 1

    came back to take my exercise point away, I got off the computer, and the whole world started going .... figures, the one time I pre-fill in my workout, and assume...
  • 3 for me!!! (My first 3 pnt. day, I think!) Peace. -Apryl
  • Three for me! Wahooooo!

    Dana, did you like yoga?
  • hey Denise..
    I really enjoyed it.. it was a workout!! I now understand why people that do it say they have a better sex life I would recommend this! there were only 4 people in my class and we were all new to yoga.

    you are doing amazing on this challenge, btw!!! what kind of exercise are you doing?

  • 3 for me did great!!!! going harder at the exercise
  • Okay.. So I am a little annoyed, and not sure what to do. Let me know what you think

    I actually earned 2 points yesterday - 1 for food, 1 for water.

    HOWEVER, the only reason I didn't exercise was because I actually managed to get shin splints, and was ordered by my doctor to NOT DO ANYTHING yesterday.

    I did do sit ups and other exercises like that but not equivelent to 1 mile - my goal for myself.

    So do I get my point for exercise or not?
  • Food: 1
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 1

    Total: 3
  • how many sit ups did you do?

    try this comparison.. calucate the calories burned.. you might be impressed

    btw, what are shin splits?
  • Food: 1 point
    Water: 1 point
    Exercise: 0 points (I'm completely sucking at exercise right now)
  • okay - they didn't have situps on there, but I did 100 of them.

    that's what shin splints are.
  • 2 for me!!
  • Beth Anne.. you did 100 sit-ups???!!!! wow! I would count that
  • exersize 1
    food 0
    water 0