Just need to rant a liitle

  • My dad is driving me crazy!!! He does't have a job right now (he's recovering from an injury and the company he was with is going under). He's frustrated all the time, and he's so freakin impatient... so he just mopes around the house all the time. He sits still for like 10 minutes and then he has to get up and walk around again. And plus he has taken up nit picking. It drives me nuts. I really don't enjoy having someone spend their time pointing out every imperfection...and it's not just me that he does this to. It's everyone. Even my 8 year old sister. It's not helping anything right now. And if any of us try to talk to him about anything he gets this bug up his butt, and uses his injury and need of work to justify it. I dont know what to do. I try to leave and escape for awhile, but then I have to come home at some point...and then he decides to nit pick because I'm not spending that much time at home...

    I know how stressed out he is, but I dont think that warrants him putting everybody and everything under a microscope. Any suggestions about this? I have no idea how much more of this stuff I can take.
  • That's tough. I do understand to some extent. My mom has luekemia and she can be hard to be around sometimes. I love her, of course, but sometimes she makes me crazy with her poor attitude and crankiness.

    I wish I had better advice. I just try to avoid the situation sometimes. But, like you said, you have to come home sometime. (And, also like you said, sometimes you just can't get people to listen to you or understand you.) Just try to remember that, even though it is no excuse, he is obviously going through a hard time and isn't sure what to do with himself. It's easier to nit pick details about your life than to look at how he can improve his own.