99 Lbs Left To Lose.

  • Today I have only 99 more LBS to lose. I also entered a new Decade. Last year I got to 207 LBS but gained alot back. So I'm finally making progress again. This is the Year I reach GOAL!
  • I'm so happy for you! Congrats on your awesome positive attitude!! Great job getting the scale moving in the right direction!
  • Good for you! You've really done well here lately! I'm really proud of you and your accomplishments! It's wonderful to be under the 100 lbs to go mark, isn't it?
  • That's awesome!
  • I know how you feel vicky, I got down to 220 and gained some back. Hang in there you can do it.
  • Under 100 to loose! Dang single digit numbers! Hoot for you! I am tipping my water glass to you!
  • With that sassy attitude you can't go wrong! I'm looking forward to cheering you on as you motor your way to goal!!!
  • Whoot. Keep going all the way to goal.
  • great job, you are well on your way now!!
  • That's great, VickieLou!
  • (I'm speechless
  • You are doing great!