Your advantages of healthy eating and losing weight.

  • I have been reading the Beck Diet Solution. I think it's a good book. One thing you're asked to do is to make a list of all the advantages of healthy eating and losing weight. Dr. Beck says to read those advantages to yourself out loud in the morning and evening. I think it's such a good idea.

    - I will feel better physically.
    - I'll be able to get up and down off the floor more easily.
    - I will be able to wear a smaller size.
    - I will be much happier when I look in the mirror.
    - I will be in better health.
    - My pieces & parts (back, knee, foot, shoulder, etc) & those pains will improve.
    - I won't be embarrassed to eat around other people.
    - I will feel that I have really accomplished something important.
    - My family will be proud of me.
    - I will feel less self conscious when I perform.
    - I will do more things.
    - I will feel more in control of this aspect of my life.
    - My lab numbers will be in a normal range.
    - I can avoid becoming a diabetic.
    - I will have food sanity - which I have wanted for a long time.
    - I will be able to look at myself in a photograph and smile.
    - I will be more active with my grandson.

    What are yours?
  • I will feel like a valuable member of society.
    Maybe I won't feel like hiding.
    I will have more confidence.
    I will be able to clip my toenails comfortably.
    I will stop having foot problems.
    I will not have fears of not fitting on the roller coaster rides.
    My dog will not slide off my lap.
    I will not be embarrassed eating in front of others.
    I will not be embarrassed at buffets.
    I will be able to shop at normal clothing stores!
  • I have read this book and made the list, which I still refer to.

    My favorite item (I'm too shy to share them all) was always:
    I will be thinner than her.

    I left it vague because there were always so many 'hers'. My sister (sibling rilvary), ex-girlfriends, people you think are mean but pretty, etc.

    It is a great thing to do.
  • This is such a good idea. I will have to get started on my list! Thanks for sharing!
  • I will be able to shop in clothing stores that aren't specialized for larger sizes

    I will increase my self esteem, and feel a great sense of accomplishment that I overcame my fat demon

    I will know that I've probably not only added years to my life, but those years will have such a higher quality to them

    I never want to wonder again if someone has said or done something because of my weight

    I will feel like a valuable member of society.
    you're totally a valuable member of society right now and would be at any weight, couldn't pass that one by without adding that!
  • These are nice...

    One of my bigggies would be:
    I will be able to travel without worrying about not fitting in the seatbelt on the plane or having to sit at an awkward, uncomfortable angle for the entire flight so I don't feel like I'm squashing the person in the seat next to me.
  • -I won't have to hide behind people in pictures
    -I will be able to confidently shop with my friends, instead of sneaking off into the plus-sized department.
    -i will have a better chance of having healthy children some day
    - I'll finally feel like I can take the next big steps in my life
    - People will see me the way I've always seen myself
    - I will feel healthier, my skin looks better and my tummy won't hate me
    - I will finally be in control of my eating and weight gain

    I think I really needed this post today....
  • I love this!

    ~I will have way more energy
    ~I will not want to cry when I go shopping for clothes
    ~I will not feel ashamed when I bump into people from my (much thinner) past
    ~I will be able to go "shopping" in my own closet of beautiful clothes that haven't fit me in a longgg time
    ~I will want to go the beach, amusements parks, and go on vacation again
  • Love this thread

    - Agree with above poster 'be thinner than her' [insert lots of people]
    - Be comfortable with my body
    - Be proud of myself
    - Feel sexy when I'm around my BF and when I wear clothes
    - Not have to lie about my weight
    - Be beautiful in my future wedding pictures
    - Be able to get pregnant and have healthy babies
    - Shop shop shop and not be afraid of not fitting into clothes~
    - Feel confident to come OUT of the fitting rooms instead of hiding inside
    - Be able to click down when on exercise machines (it starts at 150 lbs so I have to click up from there)
    - Live a long life with my bf growing old together without complications
    - Overall health
    - Not have to untag loads of pictures on Facebook/retake pictures all the time/hide behind people in photographs
    - Feel comfortable at the beach (maybe even in a two piece
    - Live life to the fullest and do things I am not brave enough to do now (parasail, scuba dive, water ski, snowboarding)