Does anyone here do P90X workout?

  • Question for anyone. I am around 250 now but have been working out with different beachbody workouts for about 5 months now. I have done hip hop abs, turbo jam, and rockin body. How difficult is P90X? I do want to do the lean version for now. I wonder if I am going to have any issues with the workouts.
  • I just finished week one of phase one, classic version. It's challenging, but I have gotten through every workout so far. I can't do pull-ups unassisted, but Tony encourages you to take whatever breaks you need and not push yourself harder than you're ready. If you've been doing the other beachbody cardio I think you'll be able to handle the P90X cardio. Just pace yourself and if you've got knee problems like me, remember to mind yourself during the Plyo X especially.

    The yoga is pretty challenging for people who haven't been doing yoga (it's an hour and a half of pretty advanced moves), but just pace yourself and don't beat yourself up if you don't get all the way through the first few times. My sister is a certified exercise physiologist and she hasn't made it through the yoga yet; the only reason I can do the whole workout is because I've been doing intensive yoga 2x a week for a couple months now.

    The ab ripper is probably the hardest of all the workouts, and it's only 15 minutes long! I will do it every day if it means eventually seeing the definition of some of the people I've seen online, though.

    My one caveat is that I haven't lost a pound yet. Could be my calories are too low, or it could be I'm so sore from the weight routines that I'm retaining water. Either way I can feel changes in my muscles already, so I'm willing to wait for the scale number to drop. Not like I'm not used to that by now!

    Good luck. I say go for it. I bet you'll love it.
  • I haven't started P90x yet. That will be next year some time. I'm currently working through the Power 90 Master Series standard rotation. I did Power 90, all 90 days, and tried to move to P90x from there. My body just wasn't ready -- I didn't make it through even half of every workout (oh .. except stretch LOL).

    My build up to p90x is now a longer path. I did Power 90, Jillians 30 day shred, now p90 master series. I consider myself in good shape ( I have abs and arms LOL) but I just wasn't ready for the x directly from p90.

    You may have better luck starting with it because you have a mix of good DVDs already done... If you still feel apprehensive you can start the x and try it -- if you can't do it you can always build up to it.
  • I do P90X, and I love it! I started P90x a little over a month ago with my brother after having been off exercising for a long time, and, while it is definitely challenging, I am not having any issues with it b/c of my weight. Truthfully, to me, it is no more challenging than working out with a trainer. I'd say my heart rate stays within the 60-70% range during weight days and 75-85% during plyo days. I'm not sure about the KenpoX day offhand.

    Whether you'll have issues with it really depends on whether you like lifting or using mostly bodyweight exercises, or how much you like cardio, etc. P90X is a split of cardio and weights, and while it is marketed as something for people who are "advanced" exercisers, there is a lot of room for going at your own pace. That said, I am a person who likes to lift, and there is a lot of lifting. But as far as your weight/size, you won't have any particular problems doing the workouts, especially given the fact that you've worked out with other fairly strenuous workout programs. I would suggest using bands for chinups/pullups and just doing as much of each exercise as you feel comfortable doing. Otherwise, I think you'll be fine.

    Good luck!