
  • Yesterday was my one year anniversary of quitting smoking. It got me to thinking and I have made some major accomplishments during this last trip around our lovely sun.

    I quit smoking.
    I lost 50 pounds (ok, 49.4).
    I kicked diabetes butt.
    I went from 6-10 mountain dews a day to maybe 1 DIET mountain dew.
    I gave up junk food (for the most part).
    I have learned a lot about how to become healthy, not just how to lose weight.
    I started working out and am now becoming a runner.
    I made my first long road trip by myself ever without getting lost once. (GPS is a beautiful thing)
    I bought a house, well hubby and I did.

    That is quite a lot and that is only listing the major things. I have been a busy girl in the accomplishments area and it feels good. I wonder what I can get done on the next trip around.
  • Isn't it great? Congrats
  • Congrats - look at all the gifts you gave yourself in the last year. Can't wait to see what's next!

  • Wow, congratulations! Sounds like its been a pretty good year
  • You've got a lot done in the first year! Congrats!
  • You have a ton to get excited about! Congratulations!
  • I'm more proud of the health changes, but I am more shocked and amazed at my driving from Arkansas to Florida and back alone.
  • Wow! Congrats.

    I hope in a year from now I can have almost the exact same list as you. Amazing accomplishments.
  • Lindifer - Of course you can. You just gotta say to yourself, this is what I'm going to do. It's not a this is what I want to do kind of situation. You have to say I AM GOING TO. And you have 3FC already, I didn't have it until my year was almost up - we're all here for you and it will be much easier with all the support.
  • WOW -- bravo to you!! That is a great accomplishment!!