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nasus40 07-02-2002 10:22 PM

Just wondering how you are doing???? We all are concerned on how things are going. have they scheduled anything for you yet?? and have you tried the yeast connection diet or talked to your doc regarding that???

KnCmamma 07-02-2002 11:47 PM

Yes MissMew....we are all so wondering about you.

Also I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and a great time at your mom's.

gbo 07-03-2002 12:35 AM

Check in just to let us know how you are. Keep us updated as to what is going on you know how worried we get! LOL Like a bunch of Mother hens huh?

jiffypop 07-03-2002 08:27 AM

yeah!!!! i was wondering about miss mew last night... where is she??? is something terribly wrong or doesn't she love us????

2ofMe 07-03-2002 09:19 AM

MissMew, MissMew
Where are you?


MissMew 07-03-2002 09:38 AM

You guys are too sweet!
Sorry I didn't update sooner, Mom's...LOL

I went yesterday for a whole bunch of tests (more blood work, including a Hepatitis screen), an abdominal ultrasound with special attention to liver - darn thing took 45 minutes! Then I had a liver biopsy. Let me say this was NOT anwhere as pleasant as they make it sound. :nono:

I should be getting the results back by the end of the week. Unfortunately, my doc is on holidays all this month, so I will have to see one of her colleagues. She has assured me that she explained what was going on it detail, so hopefully I won't have to start at the beginning, and my diagnosis/treatment won't be compromised. I am going to try and get an appointment for Friday afternoon.

As far as the yeast diet, I will bring my printouts with me and talk to this other doctor about it, but the opinion I really trust would be that of my own doctor.

In the meantime I feel not too bad, other than the lethargy, and this terrible heat doesn't help any. I went to my mom's house on the weekend, and I ended up having to sleep there in the afternoon while she watched the kids. I can eat pretty much what I want, but am still sticking to salad and meat (the thought of eating anything carb is really disgusting to me - weird, huh?) I am also trying to keep busy thru the day so I don't sleep so much, but this is a true bone-tiredness, not just boredom, so I don't know if that is really helping or not.

Oh, I am also supposed to have my scope done (hopefully, third time's the charm) on Tuesday, so please think of me that day...not so that I will get thru it ok, but so that it actually HAPPENS this time. :lol:

Hugs to all of you that are thinking about me, it means alot that you all care!!! :angel: :wave:

KnCmamma 07-03-2002 11:15 AM

I hope this other doctor will be able to give you some answers regarding your liver and your health problems right now.

Here's to hoping that Tuesday's scope will happen this time.

And here's to hoping that this darn heat and humidity leave for a while....I have seen on the weather though that the heat is supposed to drop a wee bit and I have heard that the humidity is supposed to be leaving(can't wait).

Hugs to my best friend in the whole world.

MissMew 07-03-2002 02:50 PM

I agree, I hate this weather. I am almost at the point of saying "I hope it snows" but not quite. :LOL:
I also heard it was supposed to be a little more bearable the next few days, hopefully that will help with my feet swelling like balloons!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the appointment (and test results) for Friday, and for my scope/surgery on Tuesday.

Did I tell you what I have to do with my new eyebrow piercing??? Day surgery staff has told me the metal barbell must come out, because if I happen to go into shock or whatever and they need to use the paddles..well, metal is a conductor. LOL Not a pretty sight.
The piercer didn't have any plastic jewellery available in the size mine is, so he suggested putting a piece of fishing line in there. Imagine!
I think I may just take my chances with taking it out and then putting it back in at the hospital when I am done...should only be a couple hours at most.

jiffypop 07-03-2002 07:44 PM

well, it's about time, missmew.... so glad you're here!!!! and in one piece, at least so far.

and your doc seems to be paying attention, even with the scheduled time off [isn't that annoying????]

worst case about the eyebrow piercing, you'll just have it redone, but you won't really need it. you'll be just fine.

nasus40 07-03-2002 10:34 PM

I had to laugh wheni read my dress code at the hospital. NO!!! piercing in unconventional areas!! tha tmeans tongue eyebrow or nose or lip can be worn!! i guess that leaves my bellybutton. :lol:

I am glad that things are going well atleast things are getting things done. i will be thinking and praying for you on tuesday. Unfortunatly i will not be here to find out how things went. So when i get back I will be checking. and for fridays appt. let us know how things go!!!

gbo 07-04-2002 12:11 AM

Keep us Posted!!!! I am so glad thatas unpleasent as all those tests and yuck processes can be you have a doctor who is taking no chances and really devoted to finding the answers you need.
That makes a great difference in the long run, trust me I know of what I speak! The heat may be dreadful but Lord how I love the sunshine and don't you know our 4th will be rainy!!!!
By the way Miss Mew, have a great 4th. Enjoy , relax , laugh and have fun. There always has to be room for laughter.
Take Care.

MissMew 07-06-2002 01:01 PM

Short update
So I called yesterday to see if I could get an appointment with the doctor to review the test results. My bloodwork results had come in but not the others, so I have to wait. The receptionist said they probably sent it by snail mail so I should call back Monday and see if they are in. I really wanted to have those results before the scope on Tuesday because it is being done under general anesthetic (because I am also having a small surgery procedure at the same time) and I am afraid if the anesthetic dept sees I have liver problems (I had a questionnaire to fill out), they may not advise the procedure at this time (which will be the 3rd time it has been cancelled). Because all substances are filtered through your liver, they may not want to risk taxing my liver anymore than it is if they don't know what is causing the problem.
Anyways, keep your fingers, toes and eyes crossed for me!!!:D

nasus40 07-06-2002 06:24 PM

OPh girl now i have another person to worry about when i am gone!! Good luck!!!

KnCmamma 07-07-2002 06:29 PM

Oh Tammy, I am really hoping that they get the results by Monday so that you know for sure before Tuesday's surgery.

Jenniffer 07-08-2002 01:38 PM

Thinking about you...

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