How do I stop eating EVERYTHING the week before my "friend"??

  • Sorry for TMI - but the week before my "friend" visits -- I can't stop eating, it's crazy. I can handle myself almost all month long, but I crave everything the week before my period and then have a lot of trouble getting back on track. Any suggestions?
  • I have this issue sometimes too. I have found out tho, that if I plan ahead and stick to it, it's much easier. I do make sure to allow for a few hundred calories of whatever I'm really craving, which is usually salt, cause if I don't, I end up binging
  • I plan and stick to it or else I'll eat the house.
  • What exactly do you plan? Is it like "I'l eat and extra 200 calories two days before Aunt Flo arrives, or what?
    How do you figure out what to do/what your body needs?

    I hope you don't mind all these questions!
  • I dunno the answer to this one either but I'd like to know. I have the worst PMS on the planet. The week before TMI is **** for everyone within the sight of me lol. All i want to do is eat, n eat, n eat. I do find however that exercise helps a bit. I do a little extra around that time.
  • I have this problem also. Make sure that ALL junk food is out of the house and have your favorite healthy foods in plain sight and easy reach.
  • I don't know which food plan you are working...

    I read an article that eating raisins reduced the cravings for chocolate...
    Maybe that would help on the chocolate front!!
  • Quote: Sorry for TMI - but the week before my "friend" visits -- I can't stop eating, it's crazy. I can handle myself almost all month long, but I crave everything the week before my period and then have a lot of trouble getting back on track. Any suggestions?

    Yes, you CAN stop eating. Stop telling yourself that you CAN'T. It's like your giving yourself permission TO. It's not that you can't - it's that you WON'T.

    Remember, just because you want/crave/desire something - doesn't mean you have to have it. "WANTING" something is not relevant. It doesn't matter that you "want it". You do without it. NOTHING terrible will happen to you if you don't have it. Nothing. You don't have to give into cravings You're a mature and responsible adult, you need to make mature, responsible decisions. It's okay to tell yourself no. The cravings WILL pass. They always, always, always do. Cravings can be strong and stubborn. You can and have to be stronger and more stubborn. That's all there is to it. Eventually, not giving into cravings (& without a doubt they will diminish) will become second nature to you and natural. Just "another day at the office." But believe me, once you start stringing together good week after good week, after good month, after good month - your cravings will practically cease. You just can't give into them and then have to keep on starting the cycle again and again. By giving into them, you're making this harder than it has to be.

    Plan the heck out of that time and stick to it just like any other weeks. Don't keep "those foods" in your house. If you have to eat everything in the house, at least minimize the damage. If you have to eat something, switch it up. Munch on cucumbers, string beans, grape tomatoes. Roast up some veggies. Drink a cup of tea. Be prepared. GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN. Keep yourself busy, busy, busy. Write, journal, read, sew, computer, knit, do puzzles, take a bath, a walk, clean, straighten, WHATEVER.

    You CAN do this Shelby. I know it for sure. You need to know it too. Tell yourself again and again and again that you CAN do it - and eventually, it will be true.

    EDITED TO ADD: I just wanted to add, Shelby, I know you're a great mom. Now imagine one of those precious boys of yours just "wanted to eat everything in the house",? Would you let them? No way. Because you're a responsible and good mom, and letting them overeat and get sick would be out of the question. Become your own child if need be. Start treating yourself as you would any other member of the family. Because you are a very, very valuable member of THAT family. And you deserve to be treated as such.
  • Try eating a lot of small meals. Also I've found bananas and potatoes help, even if you normally keep your carbs low.
  • I second what Robin said. I also find that if I eat dill pickles, it cuts my cravings for sweets and carbs. They're finding an interesting correlation between eating vinegar and cutting carb cravings and keeping blood sugars low and slow. It doesn't surprise me, as the dill pickle thing has helped me for years.
  • Thank you everyone, especially Robin -- a little tough love always hits the spot

    I, however, think since I am done having kids -- that the whole "PMS plan" should cease and decist!!! It has outlived its usefullness

    It hasn't been a good week, but tomorrow is a new day and I plan on attacking it head on!!
  • i have suffered from the same thing. Three things have really helped. One is being aware of my cycle. It is up on the fridge so that i am cued. 'oh, the reason i feel like bingeing is hormonal'.
    The second is upping my calcium intake.
    The third is vigorous exercise. Once i took up running, i found that all my pms symptoms improved greatly including the binge factor. good luck!
  • Quote: I second what Robin said. I also find that if I eat dill pickles, it cuts my cravings for sweets and carbs. They're finding an interesting correlation between eating vinegar and cutting carb cravings and keeping blood sugars low and slow. It doesn't surprise me, as the dill pickle thing has helped me for years.
    I was going to say the pickle thing. That time of the month I will buy my beloved Clausen's and eat a jar (the whole jar is 100 cal!). This keeps me on plan and at least the feeling of full. Cherry peppers help me too.
  • For me right now, as I am so new at this, I just have to keep the stuff out of the house. I simply can't be trusted!