A spirit lifting NSV

  • Today I had to go to a funeral- which already put me in a very solemn mood...
    On top of all the sadness- I had a problem- all my good clothes were left in my dorm room! (I'm on spring Break). Short of buying new clothes (which I can't really afford) I didn't know WHAT I was going to wear! I didn't want to walk into a funeral in jeans! Well, my mom was like, hold on, so-and-so gave me this dress it doesn't fit me, but it might fit you. At that point I got to feeling even worse because anytime that has ever happened to me in the past, it has NEVER fit. It has always been too small...
    Well... IT FIT PERFECTLY!!! (and its a really cute dress). I was so excited, it made me feel SOOO good.
    On another note, I got a good look at my legs in the dress, and my calves are so much smaller! I've found where I'm losing weight! lol (I'll have to try on my beautiful knee-high boots when I get back to my dorm room and see if they fit again)

    Oh, and another thing- when I was at the gathering after the funeral all they had for me to eat was salad and bread (I'm vegetarian) ... but they also had a whole table of delectable sweets. Before I left for the funeral I hadn't eaten ANYTHING. between the funeral and the after party I was there from 12-8:30. Yet, I managed to have A LOT of self-control and NOT eat any of the sweets. I ate the salad and bread and had a real dinner when I got home. I was so surprised I survived that.
  • Definitely spirit lifting great job, thanks for sharing!
  • This is the dress BTW
  • Okay first... I LOVE that dress!!!! So freaking cute!

    Second... good for you! You had your plan and you stuck with it. That's awesome! I'm so proud of you
  • All good. Great dress, and I bet you looked fantastic! Great nsv, passing up the sweets when your meal had to be pretty unsatisfying is worth double points!

    Good luck on the boots! If they don't fit now...they will soon!
  • Cute! And congratulations on your calves! That is a HUGE problem area for me (no pun intended) so I can imagine your excitement when you saw the difference.
  • I bet you looked wonderful in that dress! It is lovely. Congrats on making it past the sweets!
  • Congratulations! Adorable dress!
  • way to go .. and i LOVE that dress that would be like a dream outfit for me .. something i want to be able to wear when i lose this weight i bet you looked awesome in it
  • Congrats & very cute dress! I had something like that but with hot pink trim and polka dots
  • Good job! That dress is darling.
  • Sorry it was a sad occasion, but there definitely were some positives! Good for you!
  • That's a Darling Dress. I bet you looked great in it. COngrats!!!