3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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-   -   if today is your last "first day" post here! (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/100-lb-club/159995-if-today-your-last-first-day-post-here.html)

kandie60 01-02-2009 07:19 AM

if today is your last "first day" post here!
today is the last time I start a diet-healthy eating plan.

It is the last first day!!!!

I set my clock for 30 mins earlier and did some exercise this morning.

I had my two slices of ezikiel break with peanutbutter and 1/2 glass milk.

I will eat well and drink all of my water at work.

I plan on buying a scale today. I plan on buying hand weights today.

I am ready!!! who else is starting for the last time today?

Beautiful Ace 01-02-2009 07:24 AM

WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! I'm not starting today, but I definitely am not finishing either! lol

Jen415 01-02-2009 09:19 AM

What a coincidence--today is MY last first day!! :)

We're off to a great start!!

JustSharing83 01-02-2009 12:48 PM

Today has to be my last first day! I have gained 30 pounds back and I'm tired... I can't go on like this. :(

2ndChance09 01-02-2009 01:14 PM

Christmas Eve was my first last day. I am determined that this will be my last weight loss journey. I am soo tired of starting and stopping all the time. I want to stay on track this time!

rodeogirl 01-02-2009 01:17 PM

You can do it!

It's not my last first day but like Beautiful Ace I'm not planning on quitting any time soon.

A big tip if you want to keep on track is to weigh yourself consistently and to post here at least once a day. Those two things have really helped me!

sigowife 01-02-2009 02:04 PM

I look forward to making this my last time I start eating healthy.

My plan is to use Alli as my companion to hold me accountable on my eating habits.

Will purchase a new battery for my pedometer today.

Mini goal - 261 by February 14, 2008. 20 lbs total.

karenjude 01-02-2009 02:21 PM

Today is my first day
My body has been trying to get my attention to lose weight and today I will start listening!
- sleep apnea
- high cholesterol
- plantar fasciaitis (that will not go away)
- no stamina
- stiffness, aches and pains
etc, etc and etc!

Looking forward to going through this together. :goodvibes

michellenew 01-02-2009 06:01 PM

you now you can do it!

kasmin 01-03-2009 11:13 AM

I am so with Beth--I also have gained back 30 pounds. The only one who can change this is myself! This is absolutely the last first day!!!! Bring it on, 2009!:sumo::kickbutt:

Lyn2007 01-03-2009 03:19 PM

Very cool! I blogged about this for the New Year (having a last Day One). I am not beginning, but I am certainly not ending! I will be aorund to cheer you on as we all head down the scale.

Melodie 01-03-2009 04:33 PM

I could quote Karenjude word for word. My body is telling me that I have to do this if I want to stick around and see grandchildren and great-grandchildren years from now.

forme01 01-03-2009 06:09 PM

Count me in for the last first day. I see a few of us in the same place. Imagine if we could all share the anniversary next year with michellenew.

Let's do it!

jgmlady 01-03-2009 06:59 PM

Well here we go again Which diet shall it be flat belly, south beach, WW, so many to choose from, will any of them work? Mabey it is a combination. Confusion for example what to drink, drink water, water with lemon, acai berry juice choice, choice, and more choice. At least I did exercise walked 1 mile with my dog

Sweetcaroline 01-03-2009 07:06 PM

Thank you for starting this thread. 1/1/09 was absolutely my last first post.
It was my 4th first post and the last. I'm 49, and after falling off the last time, November rolled around and I had a heart attack. I don't want to do this out of fear either, I want it, I've wanted it for a long time. I guess I just needed the so-called brick to fall on the my head and wake me up !

lalique 01-03-2009 09:27 PM

Today is my last First Day..

I wanted to start on the start of the new year, but my first 2 days were kind of crappy with staying OP.
But today I know will be good, and everyday after this.. :)

Dumplin 01-04-2009 09:37 AM

hey I will be right here with you guys. This will be my last first day. Let's go and focus. Happy New Year!!!!

NESunshine 01-04-2009 11:18 AM

Well yesterday was my last first day :) I'm in that boat too...where I've gained back about 35lbs...which is basically everything that I lost. I'm 2 days not smoking, 2 days of healthy eating, and am concentrating on living mindfully, eating to fuel my body and remembering to exercise. I went to the gym today and am on plan.
I'm moving the alarm across the room (and setting an extra) and setting it for 4:30am so I can be at the gym by 5....I will get there if it kills me...oh wait... it's not the gym that is going to kill me it's all the crap I eat and sitting on my butt smoking with a glass of wine that is going to kill me!
I've got a business trip this week... it's going to be my first time back at work since mid December... my goal to get through the week is to not drink anything...no alcohol at all.... which is going to be extremely hard...but hey, I've got confidence that I can rock the seltzer with lime. If I can stick to that plan then I won't smoke at all (cause the alcohol is my biggest trigger) and I can worry less about conference food...just try to eat around the edges :)

Luck to all!

mtnheart 01-04-2009 12:27 PM

NESunshine wrote[QUOTE]I'm moving the alarm across the room (and setting an extra) and setting it for 4:30am so I can be at the gym by 5....I will get there if it kills me...oh wait... it's not the gym that is going to kill me it's all the crap I eat and sitting on my butt smoking with a glass of wine that is going to kill me! /QUOTE]

I love that! Now to live it!

Best wishes and Happy New Year to All!

kandie60 01-04-2009 05:41 PM

Hi everyone!
How are you doing on your healthy eating plans??
I am officially weighing in on Monday. I think that will be a better day for me to weigh in, seeing as weekends tend to be hard for me, more motivation not to stray!!

I am thinking about fasting this week as sort of a jumpstart.

2Bthinagain 01-05-2009 12:23 AM

Okay me too. I'm in. For so many health reasons, and for my kids, my husband. For the reflection in the mirror, and the number on the scale. I really think this is rock bottom for me.
I simply must star seeing progress.
I love the mini goal dates that everyone has listed. That looks encouraging too. Perhaps I should set mine as well.
Anyway - please count me in. No more "first" days. This is for life.

NESunshine 01-05-2009 07:28 AM

Alright, status update, I did it! I got up, well before the crack of dawn, I was to the gym and home from the gym before the crack of dawn. I just finished slowly eating my healthy breakfast, at the table (not on the move) and I'm dressed and ready for my day....and I even get to hang out for a good 30 minutes and drink my cup of coffee and relax and watch the news!
I'm feeling good. I've got healthy food packed for the day. I'll get in 2 miles of walking between my car and train - then the train and my office and if the weather permits I'm going to try for a 20-30 minute walk before lunch. Then it's home, dinner, meditate, bed early (read instead of tv) then all over again tomorrow!
wash, rinse, repeat. It was HARD getting out of the door today, and I ignored that voice telling me to crawl back into bed where it was warm! I'm pumped that I did it!
Have a great day!

dinomama 01-05-2009 09:24 AM

My last first day is today actually!I have spent the first half of my life fat and I can honestly say I am done with it. I want to stop limping because of arthritis in my L leg, I want to be able to go to the movies and sit comfy, I want to stop planning and start doing....

wanna b thin 01-05-2009 02:14 PM

I'm in, I am so ready for a last "first day". I've not posted here since early last year, at that time I was 24 lbs ligther and that was up a little from when I was doing well in 2006 and part of 2007. I've been lurking for the last several weeks and it is time to post and make a committment. I love the 100 lb Club, my favorite post are the "NSV's" and "I'm staying on plan today because."

Good luck to all who are having a "first day"!

wanna b thin 01-05-2009 02:22 PM

I just updated my ticker, it's bazar, at my lowest weight in 2007 I had lost 81 lbs and had 54 to go. Now it is just the oppisite. How sad is that.

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