3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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square4fun 04-30-2002 12:31 AM

Hi everyone!

My name is Laurie and I'm 32 and 100lbs overweight. I haven't been tring to lose weight in 4 years since my daughter died, Ive decided I'm moving on. I'm tired of being fat and it's not fare to my two kids. I've only lost as much as 50lbs and then I gain it all back so I really need support from you guys. You seem like a really nice group of ladies and I hope to get to know you better.


Laurie Sanderson

bella23 04-30-2002 04:38 AM

I'd like to be the first to welcome you Laurie. Most of us here have done the same and lost then put back on. Your not the only one. This is a great place for advice, support and friendship. Feel free to ask us anything or give us advice when we need it.

Weightloss is a hard thing and your on the right road for wanting to make life better for yourself.

I'm very sorry for your loss, that must be an even harder thing.

I hope you like it here.


jiffypop 04-30-2002 07:40 AM

welcome square!!!
are you by any chance a square dancer??

please accept my sympathies on your loss. losing a child is something i just can't imagine, and it's no wonder you haven't wanted to do anything about your weight for awhile.

the hardest part of weight loss is actually keeping it off, and there's a whole lot of wisdom flying around here and elsewhere on 3FC.

you're on your way... and we'll be with you

Tazz 04-30-2002 09:37 AM

Welcome Square:

I am pretty new to this group as well, but it sure provides a lot of support along our journeys.

I can certainly relate to the yo-yo dieting syndrome..I just try to take each day or even hour, hour by hour..

I am so sorry that you lost a child, I can not think of a worse loss for any parent.

Take care, Be gentle with yourself and Have a great day!!!

nasus40 04-30-2002 08:40 PM

let me add my welcome and condolences. I can not imangine the pain of the loss you have suffered. and toget on with your life for the sake of you and the other children is a brave and tough decisin but the right one. god bless you!!

and for now take charge of your life and start to live for the sake of you and your other kids. plan on this taking a long time as the weight did not come on over night and will not get off fast either. this is a change of your life style and that is what you need to do is make changes in your life that will last forever. if you do things temporary then yuou will not be able to stay OP as you will think of what you are missing, and then go back to the ols way of eating and get fat again. so that is mmy pearles of wisdom so now again welcome!!!!

velvet 04-30-2002 10:03 PM


I also want to welcome you to our club. Yes, this is one of the hardest things to do. We are all struggling to stay on plan, so, come on along! We'll help you in any way we can. And I'm sure you will help us, too.

I also extend my condolences. I lost my 6 year old cat last August and I thought I would not be able to get out of the depression it threw me into, so I cannot fathom the depth of your grief. My heart aches for you. I will add you to my prayer list. I hope you don't mind. I admire the courage it is taking you to get back into life for your other children and yourself. I already admire you more than I can express.

As was said before, take it one day, hour, minute at a time. That's what we have to do, too. And we all have our set backs, so don't be afraid to 'confess' to us. Maybe we have the solution.

Love, Gayle

square4fun 05-01-2002 12:13 AM

Hi Friends,

Thanks for all you encouraging words this system is better than any program I've been on.
It's really weird I didn't realise till a few weeks ago just how much I had let my self go not just my weight but the way I look and feel. I've been watching what I eat now for a month and I feel like a new person even if I don't loose alot of weight I feel better.

Thanks again
talk soon
Laurie Sanderson

Jenniffer 05-01-2002 09:13 AM

Welcome, am so happy you found us. I too am very sorry to hear about you're loss. I am sure it's been a very rough time for you. And it's no surprise that you're weightloss was the last thing on you're mind. You now realize you need to take care of yourself..and that is the important thing. Were all here for you.

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