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Nic251 02-14-2002 05:30 PM

Just found out!
Well, I just found out I'm pregnant! I really can't believe it! I'm only about 3 wks along. I don't even have a real dr appt until March! LOL Dh and I are both excited. We didn't actually plan it, I was hoping to be closer to my ideal weight, but at least I have gotten back into eating healthy and exercising. Now if I can only avoid gaining to much! I'll definitely keep ya'll updated as it gets closer!


Mrs. Big Dawg 02-14-2002 07:35 PM

Congratulations! There's nothing like holding your newborn for the first time. Keep us posted.


lorelei1 02-14-2002 09:55 PM

I know how excited/nervous you must be! I remember those feelings well and my son is 6 years old now. I can imagine you are worried about weight gain but when you ask your doctor he/she will say not to gain more than 15 pounds if you are overweight (baby, fluids, placenta, etc..) the extra weight the skinny moms gain is fat! I was about the same weight you are when I got pregnant and my Ob/Gyn said 15 would be enough any extra is just fat. Luckily (or unluckily depending on how you look at it) my son was 9 lbs 9 ounces so I actually weighed less a week after giving birth than I did before getting pregnant. Some of my other "larger" mom friends did about the same only gaining 15, 13, even 10 pounds yet having normal size healthy babies. So my advice-enjoy this time, it flies by even though you dont really think so at the time!
God bless!

PNG 2 02-15-2002 06:58 AM

Congrats :-) Try not to stress too much over weight during pregnancy, unless you seem to be gaining way too much...then your doctor will stress for you...hehe, try to just enjoy the feeling of the baby growing, and worry about everything else later :-)

Jen 02-15-2002 10:18 AM

Congrats!!! What great news. Don't worry about gaining weight already, geez louise, it is only been a few weeks. I gained 44 lbs and lost all but 8 lbs within the first 3 weeks. The only piece of advice I will give though especially having just been through this very recently is to keep up with your exercise. The first trimester you will feel too tired to exercise but try to keep up something because when you feel better in the 2nd trimester you are out of the habit and it is more difficult to get back into it. Also you need to keep up the muscle tone, especially your back muscles.

congrats again!

nasus40 02-15-2002 12:12 PM

WHOO HOOO see what losing weight will get you!!! what a great way to gain a small bit back!!!

1fralick 02-16-2002 08:32 AM

Congrats!! How exciting for you!!

ressey 02-20-2002 04:36 PM

Groovy!!!! How exciting....

One time I heard Billy Blanks (of TaeBo fame) tell a woman who just had a baby (and was feeling all blah) that she had just delivered a miracle and should feel proud that she did that and that the weight she put on would come off in due time.

I thought that was pretty cool coming from a man and all.

Congrats again!


Sandi 02-21-2002 10:02 AM

How Wonderful!!! Is this your 1st? I loved being pregnant, enjoy every minute. :D

teach93 02-22-2002 07:18 AM

My heartiest congratulations Nicole!!! I was also around 220 when I got pregnant, gained about 20 pounds, and walked out of the hospital with a 9 pound baby and weighed about 2 or 3 pounds less than before I got pregnant.

Having said that, enjoy being pregnant!!! If you continue to eat healthy and exercise when you can, you will be just fine. Keep us updated!!!


284.5/282/199 first goal. starting over again:(

Jenniffer 02-25-2002 11:13 AM

*HUGS Nicole*

Congrats Nicole to you and hubby! How exciting!!! You and hubby must be in your glory. And you should be.
Don't stress about the weight. Enjoy this time.

Nic251 03-02-2002 02:36 AM

Thank you all! I really appreciate you kind thoughts! I wanted to check in let you know that I am doing ok, I have been having some pretty good morning sickness, and I have been so tired! I only managed to exercise 2 times last week, and sometimes I feel like if my head weren't attached I'd forget it! But I just keep telling myself that I will feel better in a few weeks! At least that's what everyone keeps promising. LOL Luckily I haven't gained anything yet, I hope to make it out of the first trimester with as minimal a gain as possible. I know that I have to gain some, but I just don't want to end up like one of my friends, and be on bed rest for the last 2 months. Of course she never exercised or ate healthy either, so hopefully I will be ok. Anyway, I will continue to check in here, and I hope everyone is doing great!


Sandi 03-02-2002 11:07 AM

Glad to hear everything is good. The morning sickness will get better...being tired, that may hang out for a while. Just focus on healthy and not weight and you'll do great!!

suzie76 03-02-2002 12:46 PM

I just found out
Hi Nicole,

Congratulations on your pregnancy :) That's wonderful news!!!

I had wanted to lose more weight before getting pregnant with my son, but it just didn't happen.

I found a benefit of being overweight while pregnant- I didn't gain much weight during pregnancy. I only gained 17 lbs. I was very careful during my pregnancy. I have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) that I take daily medication for. Anyway, I think pregnancy kicked in my thyroid to work better.

Imagine our surprise when my son came out weighing 10 lbs,
3 oz!!! I had been scared about getting gestational diabets since I'm overweight, but my blood sugar was great throughout. There was no indication my son was so big! The midwife had told me he was at most eight pounds....She said "I don't know where you hid him. I've never been so wrong about a baby's weight in fifteen years." Lucky me. I'm glad I didn't know-I would have been scared to try and push him out.

Anyway, I've rambled enough. Take care of yourself, and DO NOT DIET-just eat healthy balanced meals. Also don't drive yourself crazy with the diet restrictions in the What to Expect book. Does the author really think a pregnant woman is never going to eat anything made from white flour for nine months? I only ate whole wheat bread and brown rice, but could not resist pasta . No way :)

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