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Beverlyjoy 02-07-2008 07:36 AM

Hi there...carrying on the best I can. Tonight is my class. Feeling a bit down - I think I'll meditate twice - that helps. I ate at the high range of my calories yesterday. - dealing with stress. Thankfully, it wasn't a binge.

Here are my plans -

breakfast - turkey bacon, natural pnb, ww toast, grapes
snack - carrots
lunch - ham and lite cheese on lite bun, veggies and lite dip
snack - cooked flax, fruit
dinner - crock pot chicken parm, brown rice
snack - milk, cereal, fruit

Everyone have a GREAT on plan day. We can "push through" our obstacles! (Purple...LOVE that phrase!)

GirlyGirlSebas 02-07-2008 07:37 AM

Good morning, Accountability Partners.

Anybody else feeling especially tired today? For the last two days, I've had to drag myself out of bed. I'll have to take a look at my food and make sure I'm getting enough protein. Speaking of food, I've been neglecting my calorie tracking for the last two days. It is incredibly easy to go off track again, so I have today's tracking sheet on my desktop and breakfast has already been tracked. When Hubby wakes up, I'll get our plans for lunch and dinner to plan my calories for the day. Now, if I can just get a handle on my exercise. I've got to dig down deep and find my determination and committment again. Although my scales are "smiling" on me again, the body fat % isn't going down.....still at 51%. Today, I will get on that treadmill for at least 30 minutes of sweat!

MJ - I really hope you get some good solid answers about your knee. Please let us know what she has to say.

Hope everyone has a great on-plan day.

GirlyGirlSebas 02-07-2008 07:41 AM

Beverly, we posted around the same time. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling stressed and down. I'm feeling a bit of that myself these days. I really miss my friend and work stresses are here in full force. I'm thinking the stress might be why I'm feeling so tired. I hope your meditations sessions and your class help you to work through the blues.

kissingginger 02-07-2008 10:34 AM

oh boy, looks like we are all "down" at the moment. I'm exhausted -we had a really big windstorm here and I was up all night.

Rhonda and Beverly - take it easy, I'm thinking of both of you.

I'm too tired to even post a plan. Chat later, maybe I'll feel better then.


bigtxmomma 02-07-2008 12:30 PM

Yea, today must be a cruddy day all around. I'm worn out and woke up tired because DH and I stayed up late again. It was my fault too this time, though. Sometimes I wonder if he's trying to sabotage me somehow, because I've told him over and over how I need to go to bed early, and he keeps screwing around.

Yea. I REALLY need to put an end to that. That is my goal for today.

I wouldn't have thought that getting enough rest would be vital, but how you feel when you wake up really sets your state of mind for the day. Right now I have a slight headache and I'm irritatable and just feel like sitting around doing nothing. =/ Not good.

kissingginger 02-07-2008 06:34 PM

So it's official. I'm sick. I've got a runny nose, no appetite (yeah!) and I've slept most of the day. I've got a nasty cough that hurts.

Of course, we leave to go skiing tomorrow. Just great.

I won't be posting again till next tuesday - if I feel better over the weekend I will try skiing, or snowshoeing!!! :) thanks for the encouragement ladies!


bigtxmomma 02-07-2008 06:53 PM

I hope you feel better and have a marvelous trip, Ginger!!!!!!!!

I'm really glad you're thinking of trying skiing. =D I know how you feel, though. My family is really into kayaking, and I ALWAYS ducked out of going because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to fit my butt into the tight seat of the tiny little kayak or I'd sink it or I'd never be able to paddle for very long, and ultimately I'd die of mortification. Then this summer I got brave one weekend and I was like what the heck, I'm going to try this. And it was just sooooooo much fun despite the massive anxiety I had. My butt fit fine, and I spent all day paddling around the ocean and my arms didn't even hurt. It was so much fun even though I had been so terrified. I think you will be shocked at what you can do. =D Even though I heard snowshoeing is really hard, much harder than skiing. lol

Purplefirefly 02-07-2008 07:07 PM

Rakel--Thanks for posting the line about change happening one day at a time...I needed to hear that tonight as I try to keep my first day OP actually OP. Working out with your soon to be MIL is awesome :) Sounds like you are carving out a new plan as you settle into the job, so glad to hear you on the road to good times again.

Rhonda--thanks for that link. I did not know that about fat, but I have lots of squishiness and now I'll be happy for it. I am right there with you on trying to get back on track and stay there. Just a couple weeks ago it was all so easy, not it's a daily struggle. I am feeling depressed so I know that has a lot to do with it. How did you end up doing today? As of right now I am right at my calorie limit and will be exercising here shortly. Then I'm taking a hot bath and hurrying to bed before I undo myself.

txmomma--that sounds like so much fun! I would think the same thing though about my butt fitting :lol:

Ginger--have a blast...and get out there and SKI! You'll have a nice little loss to show for it I'm sure ;)

I am in the stressful process of finding somewhere to have my daughter's birthday party. We are doing some rennovations at the house and can't have it here, the only place in town is WAY expensive and only allows 10 kids total...everywhere else is like a half hour away. Do you guys think a half hour is too far to expect people to drive for a birthday party? It would be at a skating rink, and we are just afraid no one will show up. Other option is to just pay the high price and limit how many she can invite, but that wouldn't be as much fun. What do you all suggest...half hour too far away?

mj5 02-07-2008 07:48 PM

Hi everyone. I'll get caught up w/ you tomorrow, just wanted to give you the update on my appt....Well, let's just say it's a REALLY good thing my appt was today. First thing this am I fell up some stairs at work. Of course I landed right smack on my bad knee. While trying not to let that happen, I twisted and also fell on my left hand and shoulder.

Good news--nothing is broken. Bad news, my knee is really swollen--so swollen my jeans were tight! Luckily I don't have any appts at work tomorrow, so I will be wearing workout pants to work! I know, crazy to be be going to work at all, right?! Well, w/ being the only manager right now it would be really hard to stay home. Not impossible, just hard. Besides, in my supply closet (across from my office) I have pillows, etc (I manage a residential program) and in the refrig down the hall...LOTS of ice packs. So, I'll be all set. Plus, I have lots of 'runners'...people who will be more than willing to run to get me stuff since I dragged my butt to work!

My ortho gave me a prescription to help w/ the pain so I will at least be able to sleep tonight.

As far as game plan..really have to wait for the swelling to go down and then he will check it out. At some point I am headed for more surgery....the plan right now is to push than as far down the road as possible. I felt SO much better after just talking to him today....he made me promise not to wait so long to make an appt, although it was good I had one for today!

As far as working out, he laughed at me! He told me to take the weekend off, then see how I felt on Monday. He knows that I am really trying to get my weight down and he is in total support of it, but of course, I need at least a few days off from exercise!

Hope everyone is doing well.

I'll get caught up tomorrow!

Purplefirefly 02-07-2008 09:06 PM

:hug::hug: MJ~~you are having it so rough! Take the weekend off and just watch the food closer. You don't want to make it worse. I hope it feels better soon. :hug:

famograham 02-07-2008 09:39 PM

Aww...I'm SO sorry MJ! :grouphug:

What's with all the falling and hurting ourselves??!!??

Sendin' you some love :goodvibes:


Beverlyjoy 02-08-2008 08:05 AM

Hi chicks - I had a sane day with food yesterday...I am glad. :) I see the orthopedist on Feb. 14. Since I do have gall stones (doctor called and told me) - I now have a new reason to eat low fat, small meals and not too spicy. ;) I don't want to trigger a gall bladder attack. Hopefully, soon we'll get down to the reason for my back pain....:(

stretches and movement
lots of water
PMA - positive mental attitude :D:D:D

breakfast - egg white scramble, ketchup, natural peanut butter, ww toast, 1/2 banana
snack -carrots
lunch - pita with hummus, roasted red pepper, lite cheese, mashed carrots & turnips
snack - apple,flax, crackers
dinner - turkey polish sausage, mashed potato, green beans
snack - cereal, fruit, milk

I've got to run....I'll be back and catch up with you all later this morning.

Have a good on plan day!! :)

GirlyGirlSebas 02-08-2008 08:16 AM

Good morning, Accountability Friends! TGIF!

I sure am ready for the weekend. Work has been stressfull this week. Not that I'm having a restful weekend....I plan on doing some early spring cleaning. My closets, dresser drawers and kitchen pantry are all getting out of control. My plan is to keep myself so busy that I forget to go off-plan!

Momma- Did you get some sleep last night? I have noticed that lack of sleep makes me crave sugar and starchy sweets...not to mention my incredible grumpiness!
Ginger - I know you probably won't see this, but just wishing you lots of rest and fun on you trip. Sorry you're not feeling well.:hug:
MJ - I'm so sorry about your knee. Take it easy this weekend. You deserve some rest and relaxation.
Purple - I've been on this weight journey sinces January 07. The one thing I can say with certainty is that I will always have an equal amount of "down" times to my energetic optimistic times. Just when I start to build up steam, I enter one of my struggling times. But, I really do think that we learn tons about ourselves during these times....as long as we persevere and don't let these times knock us off-track. Keep going. I know its rough, but this down time won't last forever. Soon, you'll be in one of those "honeymoon" times where everything is roses! :)
PS....I live in a rural area where everything is 30 minutes away, so I might not be your best reference. But, I think a skating party sounds like great fun. Maybe, you daughter can have a couple of friends that ride with you to the party. Then, you know that there will be someone who comes to her party.

Well, I talk about learning during these struggles....so, what have learned about myself? I'm bored! Yep, this 40+ hours a week employee and full time wife and Mom is bored. I'm one of those people who always has to have a project going....usually, some type of home improvement or decorating project. This weekend, I'm spring cleaning. My next project is to do some painting in the bedrooms and I want to decorate the guest bedroom. And, my master bathroom needs some help. I'm already looking at fabrics and paints and I have a headboard in mind to make. Yep, this is just what I needed!

Hope everyone has a great on-plan day.

GirlyGirlSebas 02-08-2008 08:18 AM

Hi Beverly! I missed your post. Glad to hear that you had a sane day yesterday! :D

Schmoodle 02-08-2008 09:57 AM

Hi chicks,
I have been MIA this week. There's a reason for that, it hasn't been a great on-plan week. I think I'm suffering from mid-winter doldrums and adjusting to temporary single parenthood. It's been a busy week, and I just couldn't get motivated to cook much, so I've been making quick things for the kids and just grabbing things here and there for myself. Last night, I found myself standing in front of the refrigerator eating lunch meat and lettuce leaves along with a handful of peanuts for dinner. I'm determined to have a better plan for next week, so I'm making my menus and grocery list today, and will do some advance cooking on Sunday to get ready for the week. I think I'll start a week of South Beach Phase I tomorrow to get back on track as I've indulged in some Girl Scout Cookies this week.
Here's todays menu:
So today:
B: coffee with milk, baked oatmeal, Canadian bacon, 1/2 grapefruit
S: V8, fried egg
L: Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup, Tuna Fish Salad with lots of veggies
S: Latte, celery with LCLC
D: WW pita pizza with veggies and turkey pepperoni
S: yogurt or 1/2 cup NSA butter pecan ice cream

Purple, I loved your swing story! I hadn't thought about that but now I can't wait to get to a playground and see how I fit in a swing these days. I used to LOVE to swing! If the kids you want to have at the party, maybe you can arrange carpools. There are probably some parents who won't want to drive that far.
Ginger, hope you will go skiing! We all have saggy tummies, but that is better than the alternative right?
Beverly, did the doc advise you not to eat high fat foods? I had gall bladder problems years ago and ended up having it taken out, but the high fat foods really gave me a lot of pain. Eating at the high end of your calories is okay for a couple of days, right, particularly if it helps you avoid a binge!
Rakel, sounds like you are doing great on the exercising, and that is HUGE. That's always the biggest challenge for me. You are right, keep working at it, and the food will follow. You are going through some changes and it will take some work to adjust your plan too.
bigtxmomma, did you get to bed early last night? You're right, how I feel and what I eat in the morning has a huge impact on whether or not it will be an on-plan day for me.
mj5, ouch! Hope you can make yourself take it easy this weekend and heal up fast.
Rhonda, decorating projects, hooray, I love decorating projects! Fortunate, because there is no end of them around this old place. This weekend I plan to finish wallpapering the bathroom and scraping and repainting the bathroom window molding. But that means I have to get all my cleaning done today, or I will never get to the other stuff over the weekend.

I think we are all just suffering from the winter doldrums. Come on spring!
Have a great Friday chicks.

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