january succsess

  • well a whole month gone, i have lost 9lb and am feeling better for it , looking forward to February, thanks for the support
  • Congrats! Keep up the good work!!
  • Wonderful!! I know you can feel it. Keep up this positve step forward.
  • you go girl!!
  • Great job! Congratulations!
  • Great job! I'm down 9lbs in January, as well! Keep up the hard work, and we'll get to goal together.
  • Great job, Linda! I am down 10 for January...unbelievable for me, I never lose that much in a month. Doesn't it feel great to see what can be done in just a few weeks? Here's to 9 more in February
  • Great job, y'all!

    My net loss for January is 4.5 lbs, which has all been lost since I started low carbing 10 days ago.

    I would love to see 8 more lbs gone in February!
  • Congratulations everybody! Remember, even if you only lost one pound, it is still one pound less than last month.

    I'll share my January good news, I am under 160 for the first time! Each time you see a new number on the scale it's such a great joy! I think this may be the last number I see change that way but you never know! I am so much closer to goal now and I am really hoping that this is the month that I lose the 100 pounds!

    After not having lost weight in December, I lost 3 pounds from my lowest weight plus lost 4 pounds I gained during the holidays!
  • Way to go everyone!