3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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wisher 11-05-2007 10:22 AM

Everyone reaches that point in their weight loss journey that they have to step back, re-evaluate and recommit. For some people it happens within a matter of days or weeks, sometimes it's a few months down the road, sometimes it even happens after years.

Well folks the time is here for me! This past 3 weeks I haven't done a thing, nada, zip, zero to aid in my weight loss. I haven't been working out, I've been eating poorly, and it seems I've put on 4 lbs. So this morning I'm laying in bed and thinking about it and I make the decision that I simply need to recommit myself, I need to start today as if I'm at the very beginning of my journey.

So I just ate a healthy breakfast and I am on my way to a 24 hour fitness club that's only about 15 minutes away and is offering a 2 week free pass. My excuse to myself for not working out is usually the weather (it's been rainy a lot and it's starting to get pretty cold here in NJ!). Hopefully the gym will help, and if I like the place and I go atleast 10 days of my 14 day pass i'll purchase a membership for the rest of this winter!

GONNABE165 11-05-2007 10:26 AM

Wisher Congratulations on recommiting - hope you have an awesome workout.

1oftheLuvs 11-05-2007 11:03 AM

Good for you! :D You've got a great attititude and it's wonderful that you are catching yourself and recommiting now with only a 4 pound gain. You'll take that back off in no time. I can't even count how many times I've lost weight and gained it all back before recommiting.

Cassie501107 11-05-2007 12:53 PM

Good for you!

And yes, I do think that happens for all of us. I had to give myself a pep-talk in my blog last night after the end of a rough week. As long as we can pull ourselves back up, then we're on the right path.

Slashnl 11-05-2007 04:02 PM

Recommitment is much better than no commitment at all! Congratulations on taking that first step back!

wisher 11-05-2007 10:55 PM

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I ended the day well, I ate healthy, went for a 30 minute walk with sprint intervals and did my 30 minute weights circuit. Yay for me!

rockinrobin 11-06-2007 05:35 AM

Yes, yay you!!!! Without a doubt, there are going to be times where we need to get that focus back, cause like it or not, it drifts. REALIZING it, and getting back to "dieting one oh one", as I like to call it is essential. I commend you for doing so after only a 4 lb gain. THAT"S what will keep you right on target for the reamainder of your weight loss process - and WAY beyond. Good luck. :)

Lifeguard 11-06-2007 07:58 AM

This is the difference betweening gaining 4lbs & gaining 40lbs. Good for you!

dek6 11-06-2007 09:02 AM

That is awesome. KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!1

Sandi 11-06-2007 01:46 PM

That's awesome!! Keep up the good work!

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