in need of measurement help! oz vs cups

  • I hate serving sizes sometimes!
    If I eat 1/4 cup of almonds how many oz is that?
    If I eat 1 cup of noodles how many oz (pre cooked) is that?

    I'm going nuts here...
    is there a web site that could help out?
  • I use google calculation. You can just go to google and type in "1/4 cup to ounces" and it will convert it for you.
  • That won't work, though, for converting weights (oz for almonds, dry foods) to cups - only for liquid ounces to cups.
  • Check out this site:
    For liquid measurements, 1 cup = 8 oz. But things get tricky for dry measurements; for example, a pint of a given dry product equates to greater than one pint of a liquid product (~1.16 pints or so). I don't have a really good answer for you, as I tend to estimate and would say that your almonds would be 2 oz. (1 cup = 8 oz., so divide both by 4) and the noodles would be 8 oz. Does anyone get more exact than this, given the issue of the products being 'dry' and thus there being air pockets taken into account when measuring?
  • I think I figured it out
    1/4 cup almonds -- 1 oz
    From the following website

    Pasta Cut Serving Size 2 ounces (Uncooked)
    equals --
    Small Shell Macaroni about ½ cup
    Ziti about ¾ cup
    Lasagne 2 ½ pieces
    Spaghetti 1/8 of a 16 oz. package
    Noodles 1 ¼ cups

    From the following website

    How this helps
  • thanks shelby.. that really helps alot!!!
  • Have you thought about buying a scale? You can get ounces that way and then count how many almonds that translates into when you're away from your scale.

    I love my scale - mostly because I bake and weighing flour is a lot more accurate than measuring it.