When do you start counting?

  • I posted this in another forum too...

    My group leader suggested that if dinners are a big deal in your family that we can start counting at say, 4:00 pm and end at 4:00 pm the next day. As long as it is a 24 hour period, it is ok. It works for some people, she says. I am single, but I often visit my bf and his two kids and cook dinner for them. It is a very special time, and I find it is easier for me to plan for the next day knowing where I am instead of saving and going over.

    She also said it works really well for people who have a hard time using all their points each day. They get to the end and realize they still have 6 left. Personally, I can't quite figure out how that happens...hehe...
  • I do from when I get up til I go to bed and that is what works for me however many of my friends find they were running out at the end of the day and so they start usually with the dinnner meal (around 5pm).
  • I work nights and have to count my points from midnight to midnight. At least that's what works best for me
  • Betime to bedtime. And yes, I have gone to bed early because my points were used up and I was afraid of eating more. Luckily my husband see this a "special" time for him and helps my mind be occupied on something other than food.