Hey 20/30 Somethings...I'm new!

  • Hello All,

    I'm new to this board and wanted to say hello! I'm Lindsey and i'm 22. I recently graduated college, got out of an awful 3 year relationships and went through a million other weird life changes I won't bore you with :-) I used to be in good shape and weight was never an issue, I always played around with the same 5-10 lbs...however during this "rough" patch I decided food would be my release (clearly, we all know that isn't a good idea...)

    I'm generally prone to yo-yo/fad dieting and this hasn't led me anywhere good...I'm sure many can relate to the deprivation/binge cycle that gets even the best of us. So here I am, attempting WW again...I think its a sound plan and will hopefully allow me to eat what I want as long as its in controlled amounts. I've tried WW a few times, but with not a lot of support. I don't have the $ for meetings right now and my mother (an ultra thin perfectionist) seems to always be waiting for me to fail my next attempt at getting the weight off...I'm feeling strong again and have things back together, now its time to shed this weight. I know WW works and just need to stick it out over the first few weeks.

    I was hoping some people would maybe help support me or offer any wisdom for me. Sorry this is a little long, just wanted to say hello and that I'm excited to try out an online community and see if it will help give me that extra bit of support! Looking forward to getting to know a few of you!

  • Hi Lindsey.
  • Good Luck and welcome. If you need anything let me know. looks like our diet history is similar. But I am making it work this time around. I want to be healthy and skinny for life.
  • Hey Lindsey!
    Welcome and These Ladies are a Great sounding board for Eating Well and Everything else! Come Join us on the weekly Thread