Nice tip if you care to try it.

  • I am not sure if I made a great discovery or not but I am gladly sharing this with you.

    My dietitian allows me a cup of mashed potatoes (the read ones) made with skimmed milk once a week at night. I am not fond of margarine or butter in general and since I share my fridge with another 4 roommates, I said I didn't want to buy margarine just for a teaspoon a week. She said I could eat a tablespoon of 0% FAGE yogurt instead but somehow I did not stand its taste either. So I tried this out and it was very tasty. I added one teaspoon of olive oil (she said it was ok) and some oregano.

    It is heavenly and in the right amount of calories (oregano=no calories, teaspoon of olive oil, the same as a teaspoon of light margarine).

    Ok here are my 2-cents.