A question for the leaders out there!

  • Hi everyone! I am just now starting maintenance, but I am very interested in becoming a leader. I think it would be a great career change for me and keep me at my goals. My question is about the pay rates (average) that leaders can expect to make. I know this is a personal question and that this job really isn't about money. I just want to know what to expect, thats all. Luckily my DH is very supportive and stands behind this decision no matter what our financial status will go to. Thanks for your help!
  • As far as Leaders pay..it varies depending on the owners of your Weight Watchers business. Whether franchise owned or a part of International.

    Normally Leaders and employees do not share.....cause it is rather personal but I will tell you as a Leader I get a percentage of the total revenue for the meeting. Base pay or a percentage...which ever is greater! The more members the better the pay.so you can see it varies from meeting to meeting .

    Hope this helps somewhat.

    Arrange for a private interview with the territory manager and I am sure they will tell you.
