Just ate 3 servings of veggies at once..ugh..feel like a giant blowfish LOL

  • I didnt get to eat my salad earlier so I had the bright idea to have one servings of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers! And Oh My God! LOL I guess that wasnt a good idea..but I felt I needed to get my veggie intake somehow instead of just skipping it! BAHAHAH Never again lol..anyone else do this?
  • I have never done that with veggies. Ice cream, yes - veggies,no.

    At least you binged with veggies. I hope that when you feel better, you will be proud of yourself!
  • I do this alot. Mainly if I'm just feeling very hungry ill eat a whole. Thing of roasted squash. Its zero points so I hope it wont hurt my weight loss.
  • LOl k thanks guys..I feel a little better now. I know I will feel bloated for a little but shouldnt effect me in the long run :P