i gained 30 lbs...

  • ok, i had GB in 2009..i been up and down from ly lowest weight a few times.. I like myself best at 209 lbs.. i now weight 237... I need to get it back down asap.. i need thoughts on the 5 day pouch test.. is this still doable..??? will it help me??? I am upset that i did this.. I need to stop the beer.. pls help... thank you...
  • I like wine. Last summer I learned that wine does not like my waist line so I gave it up. Some days I walk past the wine aisle in the store and I swear I can hear the Bare Foot calling out to me lol If you recognize that beer could be a problem, it probably is. I would start there.
  • Hi, I've been going up and down the same 10 lbs for years, but know I'm up 12 lbs and am afraid of getting to that point I can control it. I started the 5DPT and I am on my 2nd day, it's hard but I'm hanging in there.
    Has anyone found a food program and has worked for weight loss after GBP?
  • gained weight
    the problem is deep inside you..there is a root to the problem...getting surgery was a call for help because you tried everything but could not keep it up.. I battled obesity since childhood because of abuse..I would eat to hide my secrets...im not saying this is you. But we eat because we are trying to fill a void or cover up or say the **** with it...our spirit calls out and tells us we are better than this but because our flesh is stronger we experience defeat. Nourish your spirit and you will change your whole life. You were not meant to suffer like this. It's a lie. You can overcome this. You were created for a great purpose and not to go through life with a weight problem.. I have been there all my life and I am 59. I know. Search deep down and know that you are awesome. Don't give in to the lies. You can get control. Dig down for the reason you are not who you know you should be.