WLS-What did you do to pass time?

  • So my date is in October, and I feel like its never going to happen or its never going to come. How do you pass the time while you wait? I mean, I have my schooling..but still..how do you wait and keep on holding on till it happens??

    I feel so impatient.
  • Oh me, bless your heart! That is a long wait. I was self-pay, so I only had a few weeks between my consult and surgery. Try to stay busy! Good luck!
  • Yes, it is a long wait. I am self pay going to Mexico..but my issue was with having my hubby get holidays so he could go with me and the money as well..so that's why its in October and no sooner. There was no way around it.
  • Are you able to start a weightloss routine now and get a jump start? I know there were a few people who couldn't lose due to ins coverage reasons. That would give you something to concentrate on while you wait.
  • it's a good idea to start an exercise routine as far as one is able to do so, and to work on the head issues - emotional eating, and so on. and to work on substitutes for eating. like knitting [for me], but there are many other things that you can do to keep your hands and mind busy.

    But focusing on a weight loss routine? seems a bit silly. but exercise and good habits are always a good idea. However, since most of the battle associated with weight loss surgery is between our ears, i suggest starting there and go where it leads you