What do you reward yourself with?

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  • When I go to reward myself, one of my first reactions is to go for dinner to a restaurant I really like. Now these dinners are fairly healthy and I don't eat out too often, but I would prefer to come up with a list of things I like to do that do not revolve around food. What do you do to reward yourself in general? (It doesn't have to be for a weight loss victory).
  • -A cup of my favorite tea
    -an eybrow shape and wax
    - this one IS a food one... instead of making one of my boring old salads, I'll go hit up the Whole Foods salad bar which is always way better.
    -a movie I've been wanting to see, but never got around to
    -clothes. Clothes are always good. Or jewelry.
    -I love buying flowers, pre-arranged or doing it myself- it doesn't matter.
  • I never ever reward myself with food. I constantly remind myself that food is substenance. It's meant to nourish my body. Doesn't mean it isn't to be enjoyed... but I don't want to associate food with "good job" or whatever. As a child, I got candy or soda or whatever to shut me up when I became too much of pain. It took years to break that cycle.

    Most often, I reward myself with something to wear. A cute top or new pair of jeans, cool shoes, even some funky jewelry. Sometimes I get a professional mani/pedi, or simply take a day off work to just sit at home (or at the beach) and read.

    Reward should be about "congrats! you did it!" - which is why I never want to associate it with food ... can you imagine? "Congrats! I lost 10 pounds! Good for me! Now where's that chocolate cake????"
  • Here are my standard rewards:
    • Massage (with all the exercise I'm doing, this is especially rewarding)
    • Pedicure
    • New clothes or shoes
    • Bath products--I love, love, love products that smell good--moisturizer, hair products, body washes or scrubs, whatever. It doesn't even have to be expensive--there are lots of inexpensive products that are great. Trader Joe's is a great source for inexpensive but luxurious feeling products--they have a citrus conditioner that absolutely smells like Fruit Loops (which sounds strange I know, but it is oddly addicting). I also have soap that smells like chocolate and Aveda mint-rosemary shampoo that smells like bubble gum. I guess it's just further evidence of my relationship with food, but I love products that smell like food. If I can't eat it, at least I can smell it.
    • Hair appointments--I get my hair cut and highlighted every four to eight weeks. My hair always looks fabulous when it's done and it's the only time I read fashion magazines, so I really look forward to it.
    • Flowers every week from the farmers market (way cheaper than the florist or grocery store)
    • Time out from my chores to read and post on 3fc! I'm addicted--if I didn't limit myself, I'd be on this forum all day long, so I use it as a reward.
    • Scented candles. I keep a Method scented candle in the bathroom and light it almost everytime I take a shower to create a more spa-like atmosphere. When my chores are done and the house is clean, I love to spend an evening relaxing with a book or a crossword puzzle and lots of candles burning.
    • Target shopping sprees. So many cool products, from housewares, to clothing, to cosmetics for reasonable to cheap prices. I especially love the dollar bin. It's also been a great way to fill out my wardrobe as I've lost weight.
    • Pay someone else to clean my house. So worth the money!
    • Personal trainer

    If I manage to maintain my weight loss AND my exercise program for another two years (one year into a three gym membership--the goal is to get my money's worth out of the membership) I get to buy myself a convertible. My SO thinks I am joking about this, but I am sooooo serious!!!

    While I try not to reward myself with food, I have started to try to think of exercise as a reward. It's my time for me: I'm alone with my thoughts and I'm doing something good for myself. On the weekends, instead of rushing to the gym and rushing home, if it's nice, I take my time and walk there even though I most certainly have other things I should be doing. Last weekend, it was so nice that I went for a run instead of going to the gym. The weather was perfect for it: crisp and cool but sunny, a great day to be outside. The machines at the gym can get to be such drudgery that it was great to do something different for one day. It had been almost a year since I ran outside, so I wasn't sure how far I would get. I was amazed at how much progress I had made and how far (4 miles) I managed to run without stopping. I ran all the way to a local lake and even got to see a pelican swimming in the lake not more than 50 feet away from me (I'm a bit of an amateur birder so this was a special treat). The whole thing was so refreshing and I felt so great about myself afterwards that it turned out to be a reward in and of itself.

    Swimming is another reward--once a week, instead of the cardio machines at the gym, I go swimming. It doesn't burn as many calories so I only do it once a week, but it's such a nice break from the machines (and by limiting it to once a week, that helps keep it special).
  • Thanks for the great ideas I will be creating a list of my own soon.

    Barbara - I can't wait until I can run outside and be fit enough to take aerobics classes and shake my exercise up that way.
  • Well....today, for example, I bought a leather coat, had a shopping spree at Target and bought new workout clothes, and then bought a home gym and some extra attachments.
  • Clothes, clothes, clothes, shoes and purses.
  • New smaller jeans,leather coat,more cute clothes & make-up..
  • Toys. A new DDR game or some more music. Maybe another gadget.

    Clothes are always good. I always buy reward clothes in paids : one that fits, and one that's just a PINCH too tight. Maybe I'm a masochist.

    Once I hit ONEderland, I'm getting my ears pierced and buying an awesome pair of earrings.

    When I hit goal and stay there, hubby is taking me for a shopping spree at Express.

    We're also going to go to one of his university's dances. I still have my prom dress, which I never got to wear (insert highschool sob story here), and I want to be able to wear it somewhere and look fabulous.
  • I dance--not to practice or exercise, but because I'm happy and it feels good. I take a day "off" and just go for a walk or drive, stop somewhere and snap pictures. I'll play with makeup or buy a new item of it. Or if I'm feeling particularly sassy I'll get a pedicure or some other beauty treatment. Even home-made facials can feel wonderful. Just pampering myself and improving some part of my body is an amazing feeling to me, because I spent so many years not caring about it.
  • I know it's bad but I reward myself with food. I'm not a vegetarian but I don't meat when I'm on a strict diet. So everytime I reach my mini-goal I eat chicken. No bad food though. :-)
  • i've decided every sunday to reward myself. I allow myself to sleep in, wash my hair, and have a relaxing bath ...here comes the food bit...eat health meals all day and have a girlie treat with my hsemates, tonight we're having apple crumble and custard and maybe a bit of pizza..and a movie...
  • Shoes and Purses!!!! That's what I always buy when I deserve a reward!
  • i never really gave myself a reward before...

    although i think i'm going to join a yoga class as a reward... maybe join a swimming program.

    i know food shouldn't be a reward, so i'm trying to break out of that idea...
  • So far it has been clothes it has had to be. I am trying to figure out what my reward is gonna be in 5 lbs when that puts me halfway to my goal. (oh and on down days I go buy somewhat sexy underwear and bras, ) Since my bust size went down 2 inches that has been more fun. I splurged yesterday and purchased 2 new bras from Fredricks!!!