How do you deal with a crappy day?

  • I feel like poop today. It is cold and grey and rainy outside. I am just coming off a 3 day weekend and I had trouble falling asleep last night so I am really tired. I have a terrible headache that Tylenol and motrin so far hasn’t touched. I think I am getting sick because my left ear really hurts too. Work is nuts and it seems that everyone I have come into contact with today has been dumb and annoying. I am just plain miserable right now. All I want to do is go home and make myself feel better. And up until recently, the only way I knew how to make myself feel better was to EAT. Feed myself all the yummy things that I love. All the things mom would give me when she wanted to help me feel better.

    CRAP CRAP CRAP! Help me out. Talk me down. How do you deal with a day like today?
  • Quote: I feel like poop today. It is cold and grey and rainy outside. I am just coming off a 3 day weekend and I had trouble falling asleep last night so I am really tired. I have a terrible headache that Tylenol and motrin so far hasn’t touched. I think I am getting sick because my left ear really hurts too. Work is nuts and it seems that everyone I have come into contact with today has been dumb and annoying. I am just plain miserable right now. All I want to do is go home and make myself feel better. And up until recently, the only way I knew how to make myself feel better was to EAT. Feed myself all the yummy things that I love. All the things mom would give me when she wanted to help me feel better.

    CRAP CRAP CRAP! Help me out. Talk me down. How do you deal with a day like today?
    **sigh** Sucks you are having that bad of a day. I do 1 of 2 things...I either exercise (and since its raining you can turn up the music and dance away your troubles), or I go to sleep. Anything to keep from doing something stupid like overcarbing on bad bad bad things!

    Hope it gets better!
  • Everyone gets these bad days but it will pass! Doubly hard when you don't feel well, too. Hop in bed or a bath and just relax! Take good care of yourself and you'll be back to your old self in no time. I know how you feel about wanting to eat to feel better; I'm the same way, but it won't help! You'll feel physically worse and beat yourself up mentally for having given in. Treat yourself to something soothing and nourishing, maybe some soup and toast! And watch mindless TV.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  • Sounds like you're still at work...

    try...going to make a hot cup of herbal tea, I dont know what plan you are following, but did you bring any snacks? If you did, just place a piece of it on your tongue and savour it. Relax, enjoy your tea. Then if you can, try to get a little walk in...just enough to clear your head a bit, breath deep and relax.

    Then when you get home, deal with what you have to, and as soon as you can, hop into a hot bubble bath or curl up into bed with a good book!

    Hope this helps a bit
  • Hey,

    I am new and I too am having a crappy day. Food will not help...seriously, it wont. Chicken soup is low in caleries/points and very comforting. Then you can also treat yourself to a movie. I am also repeating a mantra that my friend who lost 80 pounds told me about. It goes a little something like this-"What is the alternative? I can either eat healthy and get fit, look better and meet my goals, or go back to my old ways and be miserable." I think about this every week when I expect to lose 10 pounds and I lose 2. I hope it helps. Try to take things one minute at a time, and soon it will be time for bed.
  • I get a bottle of flavored seltzer, the tissues and a garbage bag, some Trail Mix, my medicines and sit and watch old movies, or Harry Potter, or romance movies all on DVD. I keep them especiall for those 'crappy' or bad days when nothing seems to help and no one understands. Hope you feel bettewr and "this too shall pass"
  • and hope you feel better.

    Sometimes just writing about things helps me. Sometimes thinking about the good things in my life helps. Sometimes nothing helps, but the good part is that I know it will pass.
  • I am sorry you're having such a bad crappy day

    Things will get better !! The other Ladies here have given you really good suggestions. I like the curl up on the couch with a good book, or watch some movies, munch on some fresh fruit or carrots.

    Better yet, go to the mall and window shop and have a low-fat cappucino, latte or something or other !

    Or sleep sleep sleep !!

    Hope things get better today !!! ~ Elizabeth