Let's Calmly Reassess the Christmas Mess

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  • Before you cry out in despair and reach for another slice of pie, take a deep breath. Have a look at what really happened. Know that you were 'comin along' before the holidays and that a few days does not a weightloss break.

    I had to put my track up 5 lbs this morning. But if I'm honest with myself, I know that I had a 'very busy couple of days loss' , hurrying, skipping meals. That wasn't truly fat loss. So those three pounds are not really part of my holiday regain.

    I've really truly only gained a pound or two. And chances are they're just fluffly, salty, water weight. If I clean up my food act and go for a couple of nice walks, I'll be fine.

    Carefully put away the left-overs. Pitch anything you really shouldn't eat. (I sent alot home with guests). Up your water intake and go far a nice calming walk.

    It's not as bad as you think.
  • i agree with susan. if yoou had a bad day start over, because it will get worse. then it you'll be back where you started. hope all had a good holiday
  • Last Tuesday I was 134 lbs, on Friday I was 132.2, and yesterday I was 133.6. I really don't think I did too bad. I'm back on track now, and trying to make my Jan. goal.
  • Hm.. for whatever reason, even with all the good food, I couldn't bring myself to splurge on it. I had even left Christmas and Christmas eve open as designated eat whatever you want days. Sure, I ate more than I normally would, but overall I did alright. Down .4lbs from Friday.

    Hope everyone else is doing alright!
  • I just kept telling myself it wasn't *one* Christmas dinner that made me fat in the first place!. I had a fabulous Christmas last year too (in the middle of weight loss) and it didn't hold me back/slow me down at all!
  • I didn't do so well.... it seems like I ate everything in sight, and that includes yesterday (Boxing Day). I feel very out on control being at home for the holidays... it seems like I am ruining all of my progress. But I know that can't be true, and I'm trying to get back on track. There is food *everywhere* in this house and it's not mine so I can't throw it out.. I am just trying to ignore it.
  • I'm gaining during this season. I've decided to just roll with it, and not be too concerned. It may be a cliche, but I'll rededicate myself to getting back on track when the new year is here.
  • You are right that we should remain calm, and not let small slips, become major backslides. Some questions to myself I use to refocus:

    Why did I go off plan?
    What will I do in the future when I want to go off plan again?
    What is my plan of action?
  • I relaxed on the food for the last week and and a half, but made the decision to get back on track yesterday...and I did! I feel so much better. No nausea or hurting tummy, my pants even feel better today than 2 days ago! So, I'm glad I was able to come out the other side with minimal damage done. I did maintain my workouts during the time, so that helped a lot! Even the mental part of it all was better because I really worked out hard! Here we go...a blessed New Year!
  • A mixed bag for me...

    I haven't seen my family since last Christmas, so I was pretty anxious about going back there. I knew that there would be lots of junk food around, so I packed a healthy bag lunch to eat once I got there (Yay!).

    Sure enough, I was right. My mother had lemon tea cake, chocolate chip cookies, 2 pounds of butterscotch fudge, 2 pounds of regular fudge, and several boxes of old fashioned "nostalgia" candy that she had ordered (Boo!). I didn't eat ANY of it, though (Yay!!!).

    But man, after a few hours in that house, I was climbing the walls, and eating chex mix by the handfull (Boo!). Oh well, at least now I know how I ended up weighing almost 215 pounds.

    I did manage to eat a reasonable Christmas dinner, and came home yesterday an unofficial half pound lighter (double Yay!!).

    Just have to say that the coolest thing is seeing everyone (regardless of their Christmas food setbacks or victories) back here and ready to dig in. You guys are a constant source of inspiration for me.

    Here's to a happy, healthy, amazingly great new year for all of you!

  • I didn't do that well either. I wish I could say I did, but it didn't happen. But its okay, I am back on track, so I know I will be back at where I was in no time. I also know that all of it can't be fat, its probably some water weight too. So, happy to be back on track!!!
  • I didn't do that badly or that well... I picked at food a lot, I haven't weighed myself but I feel good and I'm drinking water by the gallon. I've started back full force with running every second day to hopefully ward off some of those extra calories. I just can't eat as much as I used to, I feel my tummy stetch when I eat a large meal and stop right in my tracks, but it's the picking at mini butter tarts inbetween meals that are killing me, they aren't filling so I never get the stretched tummy feeling... Anywho, I'm babbling, I'm doing the best I can during these holidays, when I'm good I'm good, so that has to count for something...
  • I've got a cure for holiday weight gain, it isn't pleasant, but it's still in the development stages. On Wednesday I came down with a gastric bug. I shall spare you the details, good friends! Anyway, it wasn't until Christmas day that I could actually eat anything at all, and could only eat half my dinner, but did manage all my pudding!

    So it was just one of my standard lapse days really. I have a week off the eating plan every two months, so I just built it in to my regular routine. Haven't weighed yet, but I went shopping today, and I have gone down a bra size and bought a size 16 (a US size 12) jacket!!! I was a size 26 this time last year!!!
  • I'm sure most of my weight gain was water. My fingers were so swollen on weigh in day. I am sure I only actually gained 1-2 pounds from holiday munchies instead of 4. I will work to get those off quickly, and get back on track.
  • Last Friday I was 165.5lbs. Tuesday, I weighed in at 167 - although I only splurged a bit on Xmas Day itself and even then walked on Xmas Day and ran on Boxing Day, and was right back on track Boxing Day, and I didn't go entirely crazy even on Xmas Day... So how come this morning I'm up even more to 168.5? Doesn't make sense as I was already back to my usual diet before I weighed in at 167... And I only had one day off exercise!

    So despite getting straight back on track on Dec 26th, my weight's gone up 3lb - half of that since I got back on track! I'm just hoping it's a blip and things start to shift downwards again, but there's no way I'm giving up as I was only 10lb off a normal BMI before xmas set me back!

    PhatP x