Let's hop back on the wagon!

  • Last week I was posting giving support to a gal who'd gotten off track from her diet, saying it's so easy to fall off, harder to get back on! And then this weekend, it was MY turn to fall off! But I have not gotten too hard on myself; I really wanted to eat some yummy leftovers for dinner last night but I was good and ate my healthy dinner instead. It wasn't a major temptation and I resisted pretty easily but I am still proud of myself! Just gearing up to get back on track is the hardest thing, don't you think? Then once you're going again it just feels so great.

    I haven't weighed myself since I started losing weight again (about a month). I know it sounds silly, but I'm afraid to get on the scale! I really FEEL like I've lost weight but what if for some reason I haven't or even worse, I've gained? I just don't feel strong enough to face possible disappointment on the scale and for the time being, am just puttering along eating right and trying to trust what my body is telling me. Can anyone relate? Hopefully, I'll get the courage up to hop on the scale soon and can actually proudly post my progress!


  • That's exactly what you have to do. Get right back up and keep moving forward. It doesn't do any good to beat yourself up. Sounds like you are getting thing moving in the right direction. I know it can be unnerving to get on the scale. I have the problem of I can't go without weighing myself. I have to do it atleast once a day, but usually more. I am like obsessed with it. Gosh, I wish I would only weigh once a week, but I find that weighing daily helps me to stay on track with my goals.

    I have to say I resisted the temptation of chocolate yesterday. I was really stressed and I so wanted to buy a hershey bar. The whole time I was shopping I was telling myself I am going to get some. I know I shouldn't but I am going to eat it before I get home and the hubby will never know. I got up to the check out and didn't do it. I even passed about 3 convenient stores walking home and didn't do it. So I guess I was good to pass up the temptation.

    Keep up the good work. You can do it.
  • Annie I love your avatar! I so can relate to not wanting to get on the scale. This week I have done fantastic with exercise and staying within points just got back from ww and went up .5 hadI not gotten on the scale I would be feeling great about myself. Guess it is just a dose of reality. Not quitting no other choice just keep on plugging a long. I agree it is a loooong road! Difficult journey but we will get there!
  • Way to go!
    Dear Annie,

    Annie, way to go on not getting that Hershey bar! It is the small decisions we make that add up to real changes in our eating habits and I have to say, the small triumphs often feel as good as the big ones! I love feeling so virtuous!