Hi!! New to This Board

  • Hello!! I was referred here after posting on the diet buddy board. My name is Denise, and I am a 37 yo mom in Michigan. I have 2 dd, Sophia (19 months) and Anneliese (2.5 months). I just went back to Weight Watchers 6 weeks ago, and have lost about 8 pounds so far.

    I was OP in 2001, before my wedding. I lost 38 pounds, but two pregnancies have done their number on me. I am down to 230.75 (I WI tomorrow!) and want to get to 170. I am 6'1", so I figure that is reasonable.

    I am having a few issues this time around, which is why I am hoping a few moms out there can help with support. My newborn is very high needs, and we have had a lot of stress with her reflux diagnosis, upper GI scan etc. Very stressful, makes me want to eat!! Doing good at reisting, but some days I just need a grown up. Sophie is sweet, but still only a toddler!

    Looking forward to making new friends!!

  • OOPS!! Meant this to go to SAHM thread!