Obsession and fear

  • I am scared that when I hit goal I am going to lose focus. I have done so in the past, then regained. I can be obsessive when I find a project or a goal, then get depressed when I finish it. Like after my wedding I was sad I no longer had something to plan. My husband thinks I am a little OCD. When I do something I have to do it until the max. I wash my hands like 100 times a day. When I got gum disease I made it a point to obsess about flossing and brushing for over 2 mins. Thank god at my last dental appointment I was praised by everyone who seen me, dentist said I had beautiful teeth. I tend to obsess about cleanliness. I sometimes like being like that because I really accomplish things, but at the same time I know I will fail somewhere and get depressed. I have been really obsessive with my weight loss, last time I lost over 50 lbs I was too. But I was hoping to get this way because I knew it would keep me on track.

    Anyone else scared of hitting goal?
  • While I don't feel obsessive about my weight loss, I do obsess about a lot of things, in particular the safety and health of my dogs. I get anxious every time we go for a walk cuz I don't know what they might find and eat. sSomething poisonous? I worry when I leave them home alone. I worry about my medication magically leaping off the counter and onto the floor and them eating it. And I understand about cleanliness. But washing your hands 100 times a day does sound something like OCD. Have you ever thought about talking to a professional about these things? If you feel this trait is more beneficial than detrimental (your teeth benefitted!) then ignore that but if it's getting in the way then it could be worth airing out with someone who knows about these things.

    Knowing that you are at risk for depression after the climax is a good thing. Knowledge is power. Maybe you could think about what you can plan after goal to keep you positive? A reward not immediately after? Maintenance goals? Fitness goals? Spiritual growth like adding meditation? Only you can answer this, but that's what comes to mind for me.
  • Personal suggestion
    Yes, I can totally understand what's your feeling as i suffered the same psychological problem in my high school. I'm very scared to get the top 1 and always be sensitive to all the incidents and staff around me. For example, I'm always feel uncomfortable about the color of my cloth. I think this situation mainly because you repress yourself too heavy. Just try to relax and do some happy, enjoyable things, then you will find nothing is a big deal! Hope you can overcome it as soon as possible!
  • I think my family tends to learn towards a bit of anxiety, so I can begin feeling a bit overly anxious about a number of things. Right now I'm terribly anxious about my new cat I adopted Saturday. She's been sick twice now and my mind jumps to liver or kidney failure. "Is she drinking too much water?" I don't know. :: shrugs :: It can drive you crazy, really. Have you spoken to a psychologist/counselor/therapist/psychiatrist about some of your obsessions?

    I'm not too worried about gaining weight back when I hit goal, because this is an entire life overhaul for me. I'm never going back to eating processed packaged foods. I am really looking forward to getting more into the Traditional/Real Food Movement.

    I look forward to growing my own foods, maybe even grinding my own grain and backing. I already make some ferments. There is a whole "real food" world to explore.

    ETA: Oops....This is a bit of a zombie thread. Well- maybe another onlooker will find this information to be interesting or helpful.
  • I'm goal oriented. Give me a goal and you'd better get out of my way cause I am all over it. When you get to goal, you do have to alter your thinking; your goal has to morph into eating cleaner, getting fitter, being the same weight week after week. It's hard at first because it isn't quite as finite and there is no finish line. You can do it, though, you just need to change your focus.