300+ and Ready To Try Again... #302

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  • WELCOME !!!!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

    Please feel free to jump right in with us.
    And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.
    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

  • Good evening
    Gee .. No one is around tonight. I feel like I have bad breath or something. I went to chat and no one was there. I come here and no one is here. Where is everyone?????

    I had a wonderful day !!! Except... my knee.
    We went out for lunch and I stayed on program. We went to Famous Daves and I ordered their cajun chicken sandwich and substituted a salad for the fries. I did not eat the bun.... the chicken was delicious on its own. I did eat the top off of their famous muffin. Just too good to pass up completely. LOL

    Then we went to the movies. My knee hurt soooo bad walking there I had to go into the bathroom and just have a good cry.
    I am sooo tired of being in so much pain. I am going to be home bound if I don't get this weight off soon. At least I am headed in the right direction... finally.
    We saw "The Hours". I am not sure how to describe it.
    It is definitely not an "entertaining" movie ... but I really heard some good lines I wish I could share with you. And I would... except I can't remember a single one. It is one of those movies that have three different stories all going on at the same time... one in 1920's, one in 1950's and one in 2001 ...but then later show you how they all innertwine.

    It is a very serious movie... and teaches some valuable lessons.
    Mainly ... to appreciate the small things in life. The hours you spend making cookies with your kids, the hours you and your husband have quality time together. It was kind of a sad movie...but it doesn't make you cry. Also.... you need to have an open mind too because there are a some controversial issues in it.
    Did I like it???? I did not know during the movie... but once it was over... I did.
    BUT... my husband would have hated it. But he is not very open minded to some issues. It is not for everyone.

    Then this evening we went out for dinner too. This time I had garlic grilled shrimp and a salad. It was good. Like I said... I had a great day.

    I will be back later and reply to everyone. Need to go for now.
    I just wanted "someone" to be posted here. LOL
  • I don't know if it is in poor taste to post on an evening such as tonights ...
    ...but I do know that what is important to me is for all of YOU to know how much you mean to me. The situation of the world makes you stop and appreciate what you have TODAY because we truly do not know what tomorrow holds for us.
    My prayers are with all of you as well as your families, loved ones, and the rest of the world and especially our servicemen and women.

    Deon... I want to congratulate you and making it Tuesday night.
    Yes... we are all here for each other.

    Thin... I hate that you lost your post. I think I will copy now while I am thinking about it. when I write long posts I always try to remeber to copy after each reply.

    Sandy... I sure hope I did not jinx you. I HATE those ads. I had one again tonight. It seems once it does it once it does not do it again until next time you come on.
    I know the pressure of everyone thinking your marriage is the closest to perfect compare to others near you. I suffered with that for years. I wish I still had that problem. LOL Unfortunately everyone knows better now. LOL

    Mary... My husband and I used to enjoy eating at Bob Evans too.
    It has been years since we have been there. We used to do a LOT of traveling for my daughters sports events. We traveled all over since she was 11 years old. Once she graduated high school that all ended.

    Michelle... It sounds like you and Andrew had a wonderful day together. I always like hearing those stories.

    Kat... I have lots of things I want to say to YOU. LOL
    First....Congratulatons on your 2 pounds !!!!!!
    Second... you made me blush. Thank you for the kind compliment.
    Third...I have not tried the Boca Burger Chicken. I wish I could remember which one is the best burger. Tastes like it came straight off the grill. Mmmm
    fourth... the movie review... I already covered that one.
    Fifth...I am proud of you for being so productive. I have always wanted to go read flylady but spend too much time in here.
    But... I am learning from you. That is what I basicly did yesterday.... I procrastinated about that spare bedroom and I feel good today.

    TINA !!!!! Where the heck are you ???? I am starting to get worried.

    Lucky, Baylee, Donna, Duckie, Ravyn, Sara, Jen, J-ann , Steph, Moongodess..... I am missing all of you too. I know some of you have posted recently but not like you usually do.... and others are not posting at all. Where is my family??? I hope I did not forget someone. As the ole saying goes... I am just human. Please forgive me if I did. In fact... come in here and YELL at me or something.

    Ladies... let's not take another day for granted.
    Let's not take what we have here together for granted.
    Keeping this family together is important too.
  • Quote:
    Ladies... let's not take another day for granted.
    Let's not take what we have here together for granted.
    Keeping this family together is important too.








    O.k., on a happier note, I am so happy I lost 3.5 this week. I had a mishap last night. I got up and someone had left a package of gs cookies on the table opened and what did I do? Before I knew it I had eatten 2 of them. But I will add it on to todays pts. I know nothing is forbidden on this plan, but gosh sometimes it just feels like you cheated.

    2cute, I was in chat lastnight for a bit, I think around 9:00 and I just sat there and kept checking back. Then Baylee came in and we chatted for a while, then around 10 I signed off because I was engrossed in the tv and wanted to hear President Bushes address. I'm usually not up to much past 10 because the kids need to be up at 6:15 the next morning to be ready for the bus by 7:20 or so. Then I get the bathroom to myself and have to be to work by 9 a.m.

    Tina??? Where are you???? We have not heard Tonys name in so long and I miss you .

    Lucky, Donna, Duckie, Ravyn, Sara, Jen, J-ann , Steph, Deon, Moongodess & Kat???? Can you come out to play today? The sun is shinning bright here and it's already 30 degrees Farenhiet out..... (thats warm here in Maine )

    Love and Hugs to all,
  • I read all your posts but don't have the strength to post to all of you. I contracted food poisoning Tues night and am still sick as a dog. I was in bed all day yesterday, but my back was hurting so I got up when DH got home so he could help me down the stairs. I have been terribly dizzy.

    I did want to say to Sandy that I did see your avatar and it cracked me up.

    You guys take care and know I am thinking about you. Oh, and say a little prayer for two weekend jobs I applied for. One is as a receptionist and the other a real estate appt operator.

    Love to you all!
  • First let me say

    Someone asked about Bob Evans, It is a chain of resturants mostely north of Mississippi. They have wonderful food.

    My brother called yesterday. His girlfriend left and took the baby. Now she is saying that the baby is not my brothers. It is killing him. He is so depressed and says he has nothing to live for.

    Food is soso I want to snack all the time but I am still holding my weight no loss though.

    Well I just finished watching my soap I recorded yesterday so I better go catch a shower before my son gets in from work.

    I stopped in at chat about 8:30 last night Sandy San was there but must have been having a problem she never responded to my posts.

    Lets keep this country in our prayers and hopefully this war will be over soon.

    I love all of you
  • I am thankful for all of you!
    I'm thankful for my family and that we are all here together. I am thankful for our troops. I am thankful I have life.

    After that, Donna:!I have never had food poisoning, but I've heard it is miserable. Take care and get better.

    2cute:I have just been very busy these past couple of days. Sorry I haven't posted, I have read though.

    Sandy:Congrats on the 3.5! And don't worry about the cookies, as long as you counted them. I had an encounter with some gs cookies awhile back myself, but luckily my kids and DH were able to eat them before I could get to them. I checked the points on them, whew! they are high.But sometimes ya gotta just do it.

    Well tonight is WI and I feel pretty good about it, even though TOM will be here soon and I know I am retaining, I still ate good all week. Still no exercise, but I think this weekend I will be going for a long walk. We have a daffodil festival and I will be walking to the school for all the festivities. It will be a good thing.

    I am also thankful for my dogs even though they bark way too much. (no pic for a dog, so you get a dragonfly.) hehe.

    362/358/?/200or less
    beginning/last week/ this week/end

    Everyone hug your kids real tight tonight!
  • Hello again ya'll.

    I am babysiting my youngest grandbaby today. I just laid her down. She fell asleep in my arms and I just sat and held her sleeping for like 40 minutes. I just did not want to let go of her.

    Ohoh.... she just woke up. I guess she misses grandmas warm soft boobies. My arms are nicer to sleep in than an old cold baby bed.
  • Well, I am sort of on the mend. I am still running to the bathroom, but not the cramping and nausea as before.

    2cute: My kids always called my boobs pillows! Thomas being a breastfed kid thinks boobs are the answer to all the worlds problems I think! There is certainly nothing like holding grandbabies that is for sure!

    Mary: I will certainly pray for your brother and the problems. I know it has to be tearing his heart out.

    Deon: Thanks for the good thoughts. My behind is going to hate me for a long time to come!!!

    I think we are all thankful that God has allowed us to live freely and without retribution. We take for granted what we are allowed to do here, how we can travel, speak our minds, love whom we like and worship our God. I thank God for the courage of our president to stand up to criticism and ostracism to do what is right and thank God for each and every member of the military at home or abroad. God Bless and keep those Navy, Marine Army, Air Force spouses and children who have to endure the distance between them and their man. No one knows better than I what it is like to have them gone and in danger. We applaud you and your courage!!!

    For those who live in America and have attacked our president's decision, you should be ashamed of yourself. Having a difference of opinion is fine, but when we need to stand together as we do now, any division is not good. Our flag, our Pledge of Allegience and our Star Spangled Banner, should inspire us to stand together, protect one another and pray for all our safety!

    May God Bless and Keep you all, dear friends!

  • Hello out there...

    I have nothing to say at the moment...can you beleive it?

    I'll be back.
  • I'm here.....don't you fret.
    Ohoh.... she just woke up. I guess she misses grandmas warm soft boobies.
    Thank you 2cute, I don't know if you intended to make me laugh on that one, but it did. It was just the pick up I needed today. And....without a doubt, true. Of course, I also envisioned that little website Sandy showed us a couple of weeks ago with the little granny dancing and boobs flying round and round. Anyways...the two connected made me laugh.

    I've not been awol because I've been off program. On the contrary, I'm still OP, and have been exercising regularly. I have just been in a very melancholy mood lately, but I think I'm finally starting to come around. I'm sorry if I worried anyone. That was not my intent. I should remember that I have family that lives inside my computer (and heart) that do not live in my house. I apologize for my rudeness. Please forgive me.

    This post is going to be short because I'm at work and if Chatty Cathy sings one more bar of "Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap, " I'm going to spontaneously combust! I promise, I will give you a long post this evening when I get home, but it will have to do you for the entire weekend, because for those of you that remember, I'm going to BRISTOL this weekend!

    I am so excited for two reasons... #1. Hello! It's Bristol! A track you can't get tickets to, (thank you, little woman that works with dh) AND believe it or not...this will be mine and Ron's honeymoon. That's right ladies...this is actually the first time that we've stayed in a hotel room alone, without the kids with us, since we've been married. We were married very young and couldn't afford to go on a trip after our wedding. We actually left the church and went straight to our little dinky apartment that we rented and before we knew it..
    BOOM! Here came the kids and well, I'm sure you can guess the rest. I don't know if we'll even know how to act.

    Don't get any ideas though. It's my TOM and I don't think dh is ready to wear the red badge of courage this weekend. Unless of course, he's desperate.

    Donna: Sorry you've been ill with food poisoning. Here's a big {{{{hug}}}}

    Lucky: Below is some inspiration for you. Hope it will bring you out...

    To the rest, I promise...you will have a big long post TONIGHT!

  • GEEZ....Tina, is the man praying for a win at Bristol? My Dh hopes that his man has come down off and is ready to defend his win last weekend. What a race, even I was yelling at the TV.....I did not see the Bush series but my sil said it practically ended the same way. It sure was exciting to watch.

    Have fun on your belated honeymoon. Sorry TOM is around, but well there is a lot said for cuddling. (yeah right ) My dh dosnt know what cuddling is, it always leads tot he rest.

    Yes dh and I are okay again, for a bit anyway. We will see how much he actually pitches in.

    Donna, glad your feeling better now.

    Kat? Nothing to say

    2cute, babies always sleep better in the arms of love don't they.

    Deon, good luck at WI tonight. Keep up the good work.

    Check back later.

    Hugs to all,
  • Hello everyone! I finally have some time to try this posting thing again.

    I got through my 6 minutes on the Airwalker on Tuesday and then messed up and haven't been on since. I have found that I need to do it before I leave the house in the morning, because when I get back in in the afternoon after running around doing jobs, I'm just too dang tired. I will try to get on it this afternoon when I'm finished here. I want to work this into a habit, not just hit or miss.

    Sara: I'm so proud of you! Half your original size! My goodness what an accomplishment.

    Katrina: "(NY) – In NYC, women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business." Is this why you like to go to the city so much????

    Donna: Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. Yuck. Hope you feel better real soon.

    2cute: I didn't mean to cause you cardiac arrest. Enjoy that babysitting job. I can just picture you two in the rocker.

    Michelle: Sounds like you and Andrew had a really nice day together.

    Sandy: CONGRATS on the 3.5 pounds! Good Girl! * A friend of mine used to go 'on strike' all the time. Her DH came home several times to find all of his stuff out on the front lawn. Unfortunately, I'm here to tell you that they get the hint for a day or two and then it's back to normal.

    Mary: Sorry to here about your brother's troubles. Is he going to demand DNA tests or anything? That's probably the only way that he will have any leverage to see this baby. It's really too bad. [[[hugs]]]

    Tina: Have a GREAT weekend! I'm glad you checked in before you leave. And BTW, I'm sure you and DH will figure out how to act! Have fun, sweetie!

    Deon: I'm so glad you made it through you munchies attack the other night. Good for you. You've been doing so well, I'm sure WI (not Wisconsin) will go well for you.

    Ducky: Nice to see you checking in. Come back more often, we miss you.

    Moongoddess: Did we lose you already? Come on back and post. We're harmless, well, almost.

    Steph: My prayers are with you for your MIL. I hope everything turns out ok. [[[hugs]]] It sounds like you're committed to your walking which is really wonderful. Keep up the good work.

    Lucky and Baylee: Get your butts back in here!!!

    Jen: Know that our thoughts are with you. Stop in and talk to us. We're here for you. [[[hugs]]]

    Well, girls, I hope I didn't miss anyone. I had to pretty much do speed reading to catch up, which seems to mean 'scan' more than I usually do. If I don't get back in here before next week, have a great weekend. I know I will.

    Love to all.

    God Bless America!
  • Tina... my boobs are MUCH nicer than that old ladies in that website.
    They may hang just as low... but mine are plump and cozy not dried and barren.
    I just had to post and remove that mental image of my boobs from your mind.

    And yes... it was okay to laugh. I thought it was funny too.

    I don't have time to respond to everyone. Maybe tonight.
  • W O W
    Those are some nice eyes!!!

    I just printed out all of the last thread and this one so I am off to read.