NSV - April Goal.

  • Hello all!

    So a little over two weeks ago, I quit smoking. I started working out again last June and I knew the smoking was holding me back and it was way past time. I was really afraid of re-gaining weight etc. so I've been trying to kick up my workouts to compensate. I signed up for different 5k's this summer and some mud-style obstacle runs to stay on track, with the culmination being the 12 mile tough mudder this October. In order to train, I've been trying to increase my runs by 1 mile /month. Before I quit, the MOST I could run was 3.1 miles which at the end I would be DYING! I made the goal to get to 4 miles by the end of April. I went for a run last night and everything just felt right...I checked my gps when I finished - 4.85 miles!!! I didn't meet the goal - I KILLED IT! I almost cried haha. It was just such a great reminder of why I'm doing what I'm doing and I just wanted to share with everyone b/c I love this site and the ppl on it - booyah!
  • well done!
  • Awesome job on all counts. Good for you.
  • WOOHOOO...I just started C25K and can appreciate now how HUGE of an accomplishment 4.8 miles is