Who's getting ready for food pushing family tomorrow?

  • I'm going to my dad and step mom's with my kids for Thanksgiving tomorrow. My husband is working. They are HUGE food pushers. Also, they think there is "something wrong" with people that eat healthy or "over exercise". I "over exercise" because I run. Walking, I think is ok by them! lol I come from a family with such unhealthy lifestyle habits that its the norm for them to be unhealthy and they see healthy people as fanatics. Well, not all my family. I have a few aunts and cousins that live healthy lives, but not my dad or other family members.

    Anyway, I already know I can not have any pie. Not that I don't want it, but over the years and recently in the past few months, it has become obvious to me that me and sugar do not mix. For all those that are sugar sensitive, you know what I mean when I say a slice of pie could seriously be a problem for me. I have gone as far as to make my own bread, so I can have a sandwich without sugar. Since I can't find any sandwich bread with no sugar in it!

    Also ALL the things for tomorrow's dinner will be cooked in butter, lard, and probably fried! lol Actually the turkey won't be. I was going to cook my own stuff, but I really don't have the time to be cooking seperate dishes. The reason we're going there tomorrow is because its difficult to cook with the two kids and DH not home and the mess...) So, I'm going to try to navigate the meal the best I can. Like mashed potatoes won't have sugar in them. And take very small portions, and mostly push my food around on the plate. Because if my weightloss this year, they will be watching me, seeing if and what I'm eating. I'm a rather blunt person, so I doubt they make any comments. And honestly, if I didn't have the kids, I'd skip it. I do not feel excited by the prospect of eating unhealthy food tomorrow. I know its tradition, but I'd rather just bring a healthy meal from home, skip the fatty food spread and spend time with my family. Oh, boy I'd be the gossip of the MONTH if I did that! lol

    [B]Anyone getting ready for food pushing family tomorrow? Or a meal full of unhealthy food? What are your plans? How will you handle it? Anyone else being "watched" because of recent weightloss?[/B]
  • I'm getting ready for food pushers, but in a different scenario. Being pregnant, everyone keeps trying to feed me! I know my family (full of overweight people) is going to keep shoving food at me because I'm "eating for two" even though I'm eating healthy still.

    All you can do with food pushers is assure them you're doing what's best for you, and that you're healthy. Some will get the hint and some won't. Don't let it ruin your holiday!
  • I'm the only food pusher I'll have to worry about tomorrow!

    I find it easier to put off food pushers than controlling myself. I have a secret satisfaction when people push me to eat this and take more of that and I say "no". Weird, I know. It depends on who's doing the pushing, though. Among my family, the pushing makes me push back, especially if the pushers are fat.

    However, I have troubles exercising self control when it's just me! Tomorrow, since I'm working, my husband is preparing a dinner just for our family for after I get home. On Saturday, we'll do the whole deal with everyone.... so I'll have two dinners to worry about!

    Anyways, I've been semi fasting the last two days, sticking with high protein, and very low carb, and maintaining very low calories. I'm not worried about starvation mode, because it is my understanding the body doesn't go there until after 2-3 days (but I could be wrong). Anyways, what I'm trying to create is an overall deficit for the week, so I'm trying to create a little buffer for tomorrow.

    Also, I think what I'll do is before dinner, I'll have a little bit of red wine, and drink a big glass of water. I was watching Dr. Oz, and this man, a guest on the show, said to eat a few nuts about 20 minutes before dinner, and you end up eating less just because the stomach tells you you're full. I may munch on a few almonds before dinner and see if it works. I'll take moderate portions of everything and enjoy.

    I'm not too worried about all the fats and carbs as much as I'm worried about going way over my calorie limit.
  • We're having our thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. My parent's and I usually work, so Saturday is our day. I don't think I'll have to face any food pushers other than myself, but I'm going in with a gameplan. I'm going to get smaller portions of everything I like. The key for me will be to eat slowly, so that I will know when I have gotten full. And while a lot of us are saying no to dessert, I myself will not! I will indulge in a piece of sugar creme pie, my favorite, mmmm! And perhaps a piece of apple pie as well. It's a splurge day, what can I say! But just for the record, I won't be eating anything else on this day, just the meal and my dessert.
  • The only addition to the family will be my grandmother (and she's been complimenting me on my weight loss) so hopefully I won't face too much food pushing. We never really have all that much anyway, so there won't be too much temptation.

    I, for one, am looking forward the massive amounts of leftover turkey since all my mom could get was a larger turkey than we needed. Turkey wraps for all of next week, whooooo!